𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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          "Let's begin, shall we?" Spoke your energetic, yellow teacher. Who was moving so fast it almost appeared he was cloning himself.

  "Begin what exactly..?" The class replied in unison, minus Karma.

  "Studying for midterms, of course! I'll be making this period a high speed advanced midterm study hall!" He made enough 'doubles' of himself for each student. Everyone got a Koro-Sensei for the subject they struggled the most in, of course Karma didn't have one due to his perfect grades. Yours was for math, which just so happened to be Karma's best subject.

  "Your math grades are that low?! Did my tutoring mean nothing to you?" Karma was stunned.

  "I forget easily, okay! Since your suspension you weren't able to help me out as much and I got behind!"

  "You know what, I've got this, teach. Leave (Y/N) to me," Karma got up from his desk, grabbing your pencil case, textbook and notebook. "Come on, let's go outside where it's less.. Koro-Sensei-ey."

  "What's that supposed to mean?!" Koro-Sensei cried. "You two better be back here by next period, no more skipping school!"

 "Got it! We'll be back in here in no time," you smiled at the being, following your boyfriend outside.

 The two of you walked into the forest, finding a grassy area to sit down in. He sat down next to you, leaning back but holding himself up with his arms. He made you start working right away.

  "This makes zero sense, why are there letters in math?! Isn't this shit supposed to be numbers," you groaned.

  "The letters are numbers.. You just have to figure out what the numbers are, we learned this in elementary school.."

  "You think I was good at math in elementary?"

  "Look, watch me do it. It really isn't difficult at all once you get the hang of it," he took the pencil from your hand.

You tried to pay attention to whatever it was he was doing on the paper but he was just so close. You couldn't help but look at him instead. It was moments like these when you really realised just how cute he was, despite his sadistic behaviour.

  "(Y/N), if you wanna get this, you have to look at what I'm doing, not my face," he sighed.

  "Sorry, did you get a new cologne or something? You smell nice," you replied, getting distracted once again.

  "Yeah, you like it?- No, shush, you're distracting me now. Just, pay attention, okay?"

  "Alright.. Stupid midterms," you mumbled.

After about an hour, you finally got it. Though it took you a minute to answer a question, you got it.

  "I don't understand how a guy so stupid can be such a genius."

  "Or a 'thank you, Karma! You're the best boyfriend ever, I love you' could've also worked."

  "Thank you, Karma! You're the best boyfriend ever, I love you," you laughed a bit.

  "Yeah, I love you too, dumbass."

 He planted a short but sweet kiss on your lips before grabbing your stuff, heading back to the classroom.

  The test day finally came around, the first subject? Math. It was a shit ton harder than what you had studied with Karma and Koro-Sensei. You thought you were stuck on the fourth question but all you had to do was remember Koro-Sensei's and Karma's advice, take it one step at a time. But of course things weren't going to continue to go your way. Questions eleven and above were material you have never covered before.

  Two days later, you looked down at your returned tests. You were ranked 107th.

  "This is so stupid.. I would've done good if we were actually taught what was on the test.." You sighed, of course you knew it wasn't your teacher's fault but still.

Koro-Sensei's back was facing towards all of you, which was not normal.

  "I take full responsibility. Clearly, I underestimated this school's dedication to the status quo. Forgive me if I can't bear to face you," he sulked.

Then, Karma saw the opportunity to throw his knife at the octopus and took it. Though he missed, which was probably planned.

    "Have it your way. Keep your back turned if you want," he approached Koro-Sensei. "Just makes it easier for us to sneak up on you."

  "I am in no mood, Karma!" Koro-Sensei's face went bright red in annoyance. "This whole situation has me very de- HUH?!" Was his reaction to Karma's almost flawless scores.

  "So they added questions to the stupid test. Big deal," he acted as if he didn't care, everyone huddled around to look at his tests.

  "A hundred in math.. Jesus Christ there's no way you're human," you practically whispered, holding his test. You couldn't help but blush a bit, you had always found his intelligence to be attractive.

Of course, Karma was able to turn Koro-Sensei's 'awe' into a tantrum. He wanted us to 'show the main campus who's boss' during finals, making all of us laugh.

  "Who puts E-Class in the corner?" He asked.

  "Nobody puts E-Class in the corner!"

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now