𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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         You and Karma were talking about basically whatever came to your mind, as per usual, while everyone was getting into groups for your big overnight field trip that was the following week. Neither of you were that worried about picking a group, if someone asked you then Karma would join that group too, vice versa.

  "Hey Karma, (Y/N). Do you guys wanna be with us?" Nagisa asked, standing with Sugino and Kayano.

  "Count us in," Karma replied, holding your hand as the two of you approached the group.

  "Uh, you're gonna behave yourself, right? No funny business? No getting into fights and all that stuff?" Sugino asked.

  "Yeah, sure," he pulled out a picture from out of nowhere of him along with some guy he beat up and what appeared to be his friend holding up their school I.Ds. "Don't worry, dude. When I stir up trouble out of town, let's just say... I know how to keep witnesses from reporting it."

  "Oh great! And now he's part of our group! Way to go!" Sugino whisper yelled to Nagisa.

  "Eh, what can I say? We've been friends for a while."

  "Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid," you laughed, when you noticed Okuda standing around, almost looking like a lost puppy. "Hey, Okuda! Come here!" You saw this to be your chance to finally befriend the girl.

  "Oh um.. Okay, if that's fine with the rest of you," she walked up to the group.

  "Our class is an odd number, right? So we should have room for one more.." Kayano said.

  "Eh-heh! No sweat, I foresaw this and took the liberty of enlisting someone very special. Ladies and gentlemen, class idol, Kanzaki!" Sugino presented Kanzaki to the group as if he was a cars salesman trying to get someone to purchase the latest model.

  "Ooh, I'm totally for it," Kayano awed.

  "Yeah, me too!" You smiled in agreement.

 You all began talking about sights you wanted to see and places you wanted to eat, assassination attempts you wanted to try out, stuff like that. Soon, Koro-Sensei came into the room with multiple books thick enough to be dictionaries. You grabbed yours, pretending you were about to whack Karma with it.

  "Come on, cut it out," he chuckled, pushing the book away.

  "Nuh-uh, it's what you deserve."

  "I'm gonna take it away from you if you keep trying to attack me."

  "And I'll just get it back from you," the two of you continue laughing, not noticing Okuda watching you both.


  A week passed, you all met up at the train station.

  "Oh no, coach? How ever will you live, Paris Hilton?" You teased Karma as you entered the cart.

  "Shut the fuck up, I always ride coach and you know that," he jokingly sighed.

  "Only six seats.. Alright, who's sitting alone?" Sugino asked.

  "Nah, it's fine. (Y/N) and I will just share a seat, that's probably what we would end up doing anyways," Karma replied as he sat down, you sat down 'next to him' but that was practically on his lap due to lack of space. Time passed pretty quickly.

  "Quit looking at my cards, cheater," you shook your head.

  "You're literally sitting on me, it's kinda hard not to," he sighed.

  "Whatever, let me look at your hand. To make it fair of course."

He jokingly rolled his eyes, quickly showing you his hand of cards before putting them out of sight again.

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now