𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐨𝐧𝐞

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  Asano, God. Why him out of all people? Karma thought to himself as he walked to your house. No, it's fine. She wouldn't cheat or anything, not worth bringing it up today. He knocked on your door.

You answered it pretty quickly, though Karma was the last person you expected.

  "So um.. I'm alive, that's cool, or whatever," he said.

  "Yeah, I'm sorry I wasn't there."

  "No, it's all good. I don't really blame you, I was being a dick."

  "I'm sorry too, for not trying to talk to you."

  "It's okay, really. So, we're not mad at each other anymore..?"

  "No Karma, we aren't mad at each other anymore," you laughed a bit.

  "Oh thank fuck, let me in please, I'm freezing my ass off here."

  "Fine, fine, come in."

He did not hesitate at all.


  It was Christmas day, also Karma's birthday. After spending some time with your family you made your way to the train to get to Karma's place. The snow was killing you but it would be worth it.

After about a solid 20 minutes of walking through snow plus a crowded train, you made it to his place. You rang the doorbell but who answered the door took you by surprise. A beautiful woman with honey blonde hair that was tied back, mercury yellow eyes and stood at about 5'8, she was wearing a fitted black turtleneck and grey trousers.

  "Oh, um, hi. I'm here to see-"

  "Karma, door," she called out. He was there in like a second, still in his pyjamas.

  "Oh, (Y/N), you're here earlier than I expected."

  "Yeah I wanted to get here before the trains got too full," you smiled awkwardly due to the woman still standing there.

  "Um, yeah. So you've met my mother I see." He scratched the back of his neck. "Please, come in, it's freezing."

  "Yeah, thank you," you stepped in, Karma took your coat off before hanging it up. You took off your shoes.

  "We can go head up to my room if you'd like-"

  "No, that won't be happening. Your father and I would like to talk to your friend."

  "Seriously? Why now?" He groaned.

  "Drop the attitude, it's either we talk to her or she can leave, alright?"

  "I don't mind, Karma," you smiled a bit.

  "Alright then.."

His mom went to the living room, Karma looked over at you.

  "What happened to the charity event?" You asked quietly, every year on his birthday by 4:30 his parents were in downtown Tokyo for a Christmas event.

  "I don't know! They won't leave me alone," he whisper-yelled.

  "Well no duh they won't leave you alone, it's almost like they left their only child in Japan while they were in Brazil for five months."

  "Oh shut your mouth, you know what I mean."

  "Okay, okay, the quicker we get through the whole introduction thing the quicker we can hang out.

He nodded and guided you to the living room, his mother, and father who was basically Karma's spitting image, just with brown eyes was next to her, wearing a white dress shirt and blue jeans.

  "So this is the notorious (Y/N)," he spoke as you and Karma sat down on the couch across from them.

  "Notorious, huh?" You smiled, looking at Karma.

  "You're both the worst."

  "We hear that you're in E-Class. Care to explain why?"

  "Well-" You were about to start when Karma cut you off.

  "It's my fault actually. She was with me during too many of my fights so they thought she was involved, I tried to explain it to the board but you know how stubborn Mr. Asano is."

  "In that case we give you our sincerest apologies."

  "Oh, it's not a problem, it's not that bad," you smiled.

The questions from Mrs. Akabane just didn't stop, but Karma and Mr. Akabane helped a lot.

  "Rinko, dear. It's his birthday and Christmas, I'm sure (L/N) has more plans for today, let the kids go have fun," Karma's dad convinced his wife.

  "Alright.. Just leave the door open at least a crack."

  "Deal," Karma got up at the speed of light, grabbing your hand while leading you up to his room.

  "Your mom's really something, I liked them," you smiled.

  "Yeah.. Sorry, I tried texting you about them but they didn't want me on my phone that much."

  "It's no problem, had to meet them eventually, right?"

  "Yeah, you're right," you both sat on his bed.

You were about to say something when you felt your phone vibrate, you checked it and it was your mom texting you to come home.

  "It's been two hours already? Fuck, I gotta go home," you sighed. "Your present's downstairs, I'm sorry I can't watch you open it. I love you, happy birthday."

  "It's fine, I love you too," he smiled before kissing you.

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now