𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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  "You okay? You look tired," you said, boarding the bullet train to get back to Tokyo.

  "I had to share a room with Okajima. He was asking.. Odd questions about you."

  "Well, did you answer them?!"

  "Of course not, who do you think I am?"

  "Someone who has like fourteen blackmail folders on your phone, what did you expect me to think?" You laughed as you waited for him to sit down, so you could sit.

You both ended up sleeping the entire train ride.


  "Hey look at this. We're getting a new student today," you showed Karma the email the entire class received on your phone as the two of you were walking to school.

 "No shit? 'Their looks may surprise you, but try not to make a big deal out of it' damn, that ugly huh.."

  "Oh shut up, you haven't even seen them yet."

  "He wouldn't have added that if they weren't an uggo."

  "You're so mean."

  "What? I never said being ugly was a bad thing! Some people are ugly, that's just the truth."

  "You should stop talking before you get yourself in trouble."

He did not say another word for the rest of the walk. You both walked into the classroom to see everyone staring at a machine.

  "The fuck is that..?" You asked.

  "Transfer student.. A.I.F.A."

  "Looks like your uggo theory was wrong."

  "Jesus Christ they really are replacing everyone with robots," he replied.

 You all basically just stared at the machine before Mr. Karasuma came into the classroom, instructing you all to sit down.

  "As you've probably already figured out for yourselves, this is our new transfer student," he said as he wrote A.I.F.A. in kanji on the board. "The Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery on loan from Norway."

  "It's nice to meet all of you. Thank you for having me," Koro-Sensei began giggling.

  "I'll thank you not to laugh! This is a serious deal! The A.I.F.A. is registered here as a part of the forgien exchange program. She'll be trying to kill you like everyone else here, and as per our agreement, you'll have zero recourse. No fighting back, no harming her in any way. The arrangement we have concerning the students' safety still applies."

  "Mhm.. You and your government might be extending that arrangement a bit too liberally," Koro-Sensei sighed. "But very well! Welcome to E-Class, autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery!"

  "Thank you, Koro-Sensei. I certainly appreciate it."

 You had no clue about what to think. It was kinda uncomfortable listening to her speak. First period, language arts, went by normally until Modern Literature. Suddenly, A.I.F.A. turned on and began shooting BBs at Koro-Sensei. You all ducked down to make sure you wouldn't get hurt, Koro-Sensei dodged but ended up getting his left fingertip destroyed, taking you all by surprise. It was like that the entire period

  "Hey, hot stuff. How about you help us out? You got a vacuum in there or what?" Muramatsu flirted, no response. "Fine! Be all stuck up!"

  "Bro can't even pull a computer," you snickered.

  "I could, if I wanted to, shut up!"

  "Uh, dude, Please. She's a computer, just give it up," Yoshida crossed his arms.

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now