𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐢𝐱

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  You were all walking by the main campus, the school day had ended. You, of course, were hand in hand with Karma.

  "Uh.. Oh, it's Asano," Kayano said, and she was right.

  "What the hell do you want? Your lackeys too busy to do recon on us?" Sugino asked him.

  "It pains me that I have to say this.." Asano started. "But I have a favour to ask of you."

  "Hm?" Karma smiled.

  "Don't you say anything," you whispered to him.

  "Let me just cut to the chase. The principal, I need you people to kill him," that was his request. Safe to say you were all shocked. "So to speak I don't mean something like murdering him of course, that would be patently absurd. I mean you should kill his philosophy."

  "Not sure I understand.. How, exactly?" Yada asked.

  "We just need to get the top spots," you answered. "Is he really being harsh on you again?"

  "Yes, however we both know it goes without saying I'll be placed highest."

Asano ended up giving a pretty heartfelt speech, arrogant as hell but still, he even bowed to you all. Karma let go of your hand and approached the boy.

  "Ha! That's big of you and all but let me tell ya right now, I'm actually gonna be the one to take the top spot!" Karma stuck out his tongue.

  "Seriously!? I tell you to do one thing, keep your mouth shut and you can't even do that?!" You exclaimed, he ignored you.

  "What'd I say? I said next time we weren't going easy on you. Prepare to surrender your throne, your highness. You're going down. Oh don't worry though; you'll look just as good in tenth place."

  "I swear to God," you held your face in your hands.

  "Don't oversell it, man. Just try to do better than me," Tsurasaka teased Karma, rubbing his shoulders. That resulted in him getting kneed repeatedly in the stomach.

What you all told him in the end was that you would do your best.

  "Hey Gakushū, mind if I walk with you? We haven't talked in a while!" You chirped, running up to him.

  "It'd be my pleasure. Well that is if your guard dog- or I mean, boyfriend doesn't mind."

You looked over at Karma with a smile, the smile he could never say no to.

  He sighed, "yeah, go ahead. Just let me know you got home safe."

  "Yes, thank you! Talk soon, love you!" You said before walking off with Asano.

  "I love you too," he crossed his arms.

  "Hold on, they're actually close!? Like first name basis?" Kayano asked.

  "Yep. Since first year," Karma answered.

  "And you're cool with that..?" Sugino asked.

  "Fuck no, but last time I brought it up I got that 'you can't choose who I'm friends with' blah blah blah bullshit."

  "Well no duh, it's not like she's the type to cheat," Nakamura said.

  "Yeah! She's literally obsessed with you! You're basically all she talks about when we hangout," Yada added.

  "That's not what I'm worried about, well, I'm not worried about anything. I just can't stand the  guy," Karma once again sighed.

  "Yeah.. Out of all the people on the main campus she could be friends with.. Him? I swear he has it out for us the most, and for what?" Nakamura said.

  "Guess she doesn't care, you should hear them on the phone, he doesn't see her as less than him, y'know? It's a real pain in the ass," Karma said.

  You and Asano ended up talking a lot, there wasn't a moment of silence the entire walk.

  "You know, you're a lot of fun when you aren't having that whole Mr. Perfect act up."

  "Yeah? Well I guess it's because you're one of the few people I consider a real friend."

  "That's by your choice, picky," you laughed a bit.

  "Yeah, whatever. But c'mon, can't blame me? Have you seen the A-class?"

  "You mean about thirty people who either want to be you or be with you? Yeah, must suck," you replied sarcastically.

  "You make it sound better than it is. Honestly, I'm quite jealous of you. Being in a healthy relationship, not having to worry about people only liking the idea of you, getting to slack around in E-Class."

  "Now the first two may be true but trust me, we do anything but 'slacking', it's honestly a lot.."

  "I suppose. I guess they really push you to get your grades up, huh?"

  "Yeah, that's it. It's all Mr. Karasuma talks about really."

  "You know, my father was talking to me the other day. Shocking, I know, but it was about your grades, they're high enough to get back into the main campus, into A-Class too."

  "Oh... Is that right?"

  "Yes. How come you haven't transferred? It'll look a lot better on your records, it'd be nice having you around again."

  "Yeah.. But y'know, Karma isn't interested in transferring and it's already November, only four months."

  "Four months in A is better than four in E," he tried to convince you. "And don't let that idiot keep you from doing what's best."

  "He isn't an idiot, just a bit hot headed. But still, all my friends are in E-Class now, the ones I had on the main campus won't give me the time of day, not since my transfer, plus if I were to make new ones I guarantee they'd treat me all weird after finding out who I'm dating," you sighed.

  "Maybe how people act after finding out is a sign."

  "A sign?"

  "(Y/N), you're a smart girl. Karma... He's violent, sadistic, psychotic some may even say, he could get you into some serious trouble, maybe it's best if you end things."

  "I've been with him for three years now, I've been fine. He's kept me out of trouble if anything, you wouldn't believe the lengths he's gone just to protect me. He loves me, and I really love him, I can't just end it."

  "I don't want to argue. Let's just say I warned you."

  "Yeah, yeah, this is my stop. I'll see you later!"

  "I'll see you around."

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now