𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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        "Nagisa! Sugino!" Okuda yelled, waking the two boys up."Oh thank goodness! Are you two okay?"

  "Are you alright, Okuda? Those guys didn't do anything to you?" Nagisa asked.

  "It's okay, I'm fine. Sorry, I didn't know what to do so I just hid."

  "And you seriously couldn't have pulled (Y/N) away with you?" Karma muttered.

  "I-I'm sorry, what was that?'

  "Nothing. Don't sweat it. You did the right thing," Karma started. "Safe to assume those guys are pretty hardcore. We could go to the cops except they're the type to know their way around the system. Which is fine. Cause I'm the type who likes to handle these things personally, if you know what I mean."

He kept a 'cool' look on the outside, but on the inside, he has never panicked more in his life. His heart was racing, he wasn't used to that feeling, the feeling of not knowing if he was going to see someone who was so important to him ever again.

  You, Kanzaki, and Kayano were tied up and put in front of a worn out faux leather couch, you had no clue where you were.

  "I gave our buddies a call and they're in. We're gonna have ourselves a little commemorative photoshoot with you gals. Feel free to scream, no one will hear you except us," unfortunately, you knew exactly what that meant.

  "You.." One of them looked straight at Kanzaki, "I've seen you somewhere before, right? Sure I have! Last summer in Tokyo. Saw ya in that arcade, don't deny it," he pulled out his phone, showing you three a picture of Kanzaki. She almost looked like a different person.

  "...The higher you are on the ladder the more you wanna take a swan dive. Don't worry about a thing, Professor Ruin's gonna take all night teaching you to dive like a pro," you could feel your stomach turn. After that little conversation, they went back to talking on their own, about what they were planning on doing to the three of you.

  "(Y/N).. It's alright, they'll come rescue us in no time," Kayano attempted to comfort you.

  "Not even we know where we are.. How're they gonna find us? Even if they do, they would end up being too late. I don't wanna get my hopes up," you whispered back.

  "I get it.. But just know, we'll get out of here eventually."

You all waited until they went further away to continue talking.

  "So.. That picture. Not gonna lie, it's kinda comforting to know even you went through a phase. Never would've imagined."

  "Yeah. My dad was crazy strict. Always on me about doing well in school and building up my resume. It was so suffocating, y'know?" Kanzaki sighed. "I just couldn't deal, so I'd ditch the uniform, glam myself out, and hang where no one knew who I was. Felt like therapy."

You all continued talking about that and ending up in E-Class when the same guy came back up to all of you, crouching down to be at a face-to-face level with all of you.

  "Sounds to me like you'd be right at home with us. Grades and all that pointless bullshit don't mean jack here," he smirked. "We eat elitist scum for breakfast. Nothing sweeter than knockin' stuffed shirts down a peg or two."

Then, you were surrounded by high schoolers once again.

  "Only thing that matters is having a little fun, right?"

  "You're a jerk," Kayano finally said what you had been thinking. You admired her courage but knew it was not gonna end well.

His smirk faded immediately.

  "I see how it is!" He lifted her by the collar of her shirt, "little miss perfect thinks she's better than me! This is exactly what I'm talking about, you uppity bitch!" She was thrown onto the couch. "When we're done with here, you go back to whatever fancy hotel you're in and tell whoever asks that you were just out singing karaoke and lost track of time. Stick to that story and no one gets hurt."

You didn't care, not that you were going to get out of there or what was about to happen to you and your friends, all you could do was look back at Kayano and make sure she was okay.

  "Once we're all back in Tokyo, we can all hang out together. Maybe we'll scrapbook, do something artsy with the 'vacation photos' we're about to take," they chuckled. "Ah, speak of the devil. My photographer buddies are here."

You all directed your attention to the entrance when you saw a delinquent being dropped to the ground.

  "School trip guidebook page 1043, 'what to do when a group member has been abducted.' If there are no leads on the perpetrators, think back to any colloquialisms, accents, or linguistic quirks that might indicate whether said perpetrators are local. If not and the perpetrators were wearing school uniforms, refer to page 1334," Nagisa spoke as the group walked into the room, making it easier to see them.

  "Here we are, if the perpetrators are in school uniform, you might be dealing with a rival school out causing trouble."

  "You finally found us!" You exclaimed.

  "What the hell? How'd you even know where to look?!"

Nagisa continued to read out from the guidebook. You kept your eyes locked with Karma's the entire time. Though it sounded a bit cheesy, it made you feel safe again. But, of course, he was planning on starting another fight.

  "Why don't you say 'hi' to some friends of mine. See how far that attitude gets you with them."

That's when you saw four men being choked by a familiar yellow tentacle.

  "Say hello to them if you'd like.. Be advised though, they probably won't hear you," Koro-Sensei said, wearing gloves and a veil.

  "It's Koro-Sensei!" Nagisa chirped.

  "Sorry I'm a little late to the festivities," he said as he tossed the men to the side. "I figured it'd be best to let you handle this on your own while I searched elsewhere, just to cover all the bases."

  "What's up with the veil?" You asked.

  "Violence is always regrettable. I'd rather you not associate my face with what I've just done, or what I'm about to do," he sounded rather intimidating. "Good work following the instructions in the guidebook, Nagisa! I'm glad I had the foresight to provide them." He handed Sugino, Karma and Okuda their guidebooks.

  "Hold on! This freakazoid's your teacher!? That's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard!" They all went to attack your teacher at once, but he took care of it like it was nothing.

  "Jesus, that was the longest two hours of my life," you groaned, stretching your arms out once you got outside.

  "Tell me about it," Kayano sighed.

 Karma hugged you from behind, his arms wrapped around your waist, his lips near your ear about to whisper something.

  "They really didn't do anything to you, right? You can tell me, I'll really take care of them when we get back home," he whispered.

  "I promise, you got there just in time. I'm fine," you assured him, he nodded and kissed your cheek before resting his chin on top of your head.

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now