𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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   "You're putting a yearbook together just for us?" Nagisa asked your teacher.

  "Yes!" Koro-Sensei responded.

  "Oh that's right, we didn't get any with you for the actual yearbook," Kurahashi said.

  "Yeah, Mr. Karasuma stood in for all of them," you added.

  "Actually, he managed to photobomb a few."

  "Oh of course," you chuckled.

  Besides all the yearbook stuff. You had all gotten into the high schools of your choices. Yours being Kunugigaoka, and no, you didn't only choose it because of it being Karma's choice since first year. You just figured it'd be easier to stick to Kunugigaoka, and it was a short distance from your house.

Everyone decided that it would be a good idea to make an E-Class yearbook, so you could include your thing of a teacher. Apparently, he had already printed multiple photos. At least 5 of each individual student, in and out of school hours, photos of you and Karma, oh lots of you and Karma.

  "Everybody find your photos and destroy them! Leave no trace!" Everyone but you, Itona and Karma did just that.

  "So dramatic, wouldn't you say so?" Karma asked.

  "I don't know, he's got a few of us at your place somehow."

Karma got up.

Most of the 'E-Class in action' photos got ripped up. The school events section was a hit though. Koro-Sensei got everyone to head outside for some 'cosplay shots'.

  "(Y/N), what're you doing just standing here- oh jeez," Nakamura sighed as she watched as you stared at your shirtless boyfriend. "You perv."

  "Huh?! No, no, Koro-Sensei's fault, not mine!"

Almost the entire rest of the class was a photoshoot. After school you went to Karma's house, since your parents weren't home and neither were his so who was there to stop you?

  "It's sweet of him to be making us a yearbook, isn't it?" You said, the two of you were seated on the couch, Karma's arm around you while your head was on his chest area. Some superhero movie was playing.

  "Yeah, I guess so."

  "I wonder if our plan will actually work out."

Karma just shrugged, focused on the movie. The class group chat began going off.


You guys got to come down here. I saw something near our campus, like a red beam of light and now the road leading up to the school is closed.

  "Oh shit.. Karma, we should go."

  "What, why? The movie's just getting good!" He complained.

  "Something is happening with Koro-Sensei, come on. We'd better hurry."

Karma turned off the T.V. and put on his coat and his shoes "Well? Are you coming?"

  "Yeah, yeah of course," you put on your coat and shoes and the two of you headed out.

  By the time the two of you arrived, everyone else was there. Officers and the barricade were accusing you all of trespassing, right when everyone began to argue against it, reporters bombarded you.

  "It's them!" They chanted as their cameras flashed. "There they are!"

  "Are you the poor children the monster's been holding hostage?"

  "Monster? Hostage? What're they going on about," you asked.

  "Sounds like they've got the wrong idea of the octopus," Karma responded.

  "When did it first dawn on you that you were being held against your own will?"

  "Are you relieved that he's finally been captured?"

  "How do you feel knowing your teacher was dangerous?"

Question after question, you gave no answers.

 'Koro-Sensei's been captured..?' you thought.

  "Can you tell our viewers what it was like to be in a classroom with a teacher who could explode at any second?"

  "Can you confirm the allegations he was training you to be killers?"

  "That's enough!" Muramatsu yelled. "It's none of your freaking business!"

  "Do some basic fact-checking, people! The probability of Earth blowing up is less than one percent!" Added Yada. "Our teacher's not as dangerous as he's made out to be."

  "Leave him alone! The stuff they're saying about him isn't even true," Kurahashi was on the verge of tears.

  "Are these your own words or simply what the monster told you to say? We know it must've been awful, you're in a safe place now."

  "Oh don't give us your fake pity. Does using kids for your stupid views make you feel good?" You looked at the woman as if she were an idiot.

Finally, after a few minutes, Mr. Karasuma showed up.

  "You have no permission to film here, pack up your equipment and go," he said.

  "Excuse me, the public has a right to know what's going on here, sir!"

  "Oh please, you're battering children for ratings, don't get high and mighty. Everyone leave! By order of the defence agency, this area is off limits. Failure to vacate the premises will be actionable. The students are safe, they'll be taken into protective custody."

Mr. Karasuma took you all to one of the many tents that were set up.

"Mr. Karasuma, what have they done to Koro-Sensei?" Asked a few of you.

"I'm afraid we're out of time."

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now