𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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  "Did ya see anything?" Okajima asked the group of boys who were huddled around Itona's desk.

  "Not a lot. Ugh, this camera totally sucks," Maehara groaned.

What were they trying to see you may ask? Up the yours, Yada's, Nakamura's and Kurahashi's skirts with Itona's miniature tank he made to assassinate Koro-Sensei.

They began talking about how to make the camera better. Takebayashi came up with the idea of making a fisheye lens for the camera they already have, instead of having to make a whole other one that could risk making the tank too heavy. Nagisa awkwardly stood in the back, questioning the group of boys.

  "In the name of assassination, onward-! Uh, Prototype Zero!"

But of course, while they tried to drive it towards your little group, it fell down the stairs and onto its side.

  "I hope you guys know just what Karma will do to all of you if he figures out what you're trying to do," Isogai sighed.

  "That's why you better not snitch!" Maehara replied.

They ended up spending most of their nights planning on how to make the device more discrete.

  The next morning, the tank was painted camouflage, they all showed up to school at six-thirty in the morning. But of course, it broke.

  "Okay! Back to the drawing board, men! We put our heads together, this baby will be looking up skirts by March!" Okajima smiled.

Karma placed a hand on his shoulder.

  "What's this I hear about looking up skirts? I'm assuming you guys aren't making the mistake of looking up (Y/N)'s, it'd be a shame if I had to teach a lesson to all of you!"

All their faces went pale, well, minus Nagisa's and Isogai's of course.

  "Boys suck," Yada deadpanned.

Surprise surprise, they all pointed the finger at Okajima, and everyone bought it.


  "Becoming thread, that's pretty cool, Itona," you said. You, Kataoka, Kurahashi and Kayano were reading Itona names in kanji.

  "It is what it is. Lots of kids in the class have weird names."

Kimura sighed.

  "Wait a second, Justice!? I thought your name was Masayoshi?!" Kayano asked.

  "Wait yeah! How haven't I noticed that?!" You were just as surprised.

  "Yeah, if you write it out in kanji, but my parents insist on saying 'Justice'. Koro-Sensei's just nice enough to say it my way."

  "When they called your name during opening ceremonies I got nervous hearing them yell 'Justice'," Sugaya chuckled.

  "Me too!" You nodded.

  "I know, and when they do it again at closing ceremonies it'll be even more public humiliation!"

Kirara began talking about her name and her mom, trying to make Kimura feel a bit better, or at least one would assume that was the case.

  "Getting saddled with a weird name? How do you poor bastards manage to cope?" Karma asked.

  "We literally talked about manners last night, don't be a dick again!" You facepalmed.

Everyone gave him a weird stare, of course, I mean look who was talking!

  "Oh come on. What's not to love about being named Karma? Both of my parents have pretty bizarre taste and I guess I inherited that from 'em!"

  "Come to think of it, I'm far from satisfied with my name!" Koro-Sensei entered the room.

  "I like (Y/N)'s name," Nakamura mentioned.

  "I like your face."

You all continued talking about names until Yada suggested something.

  "We could all call each other by specially chosen code names, couldn't we?"

  "Are you serious..?" Isogai asked.

 "Yeah! I mean, code names are actually kinda appropriate for this classroom."

 You all began writing one code name for each classmate. Real names were forbidden for the rest of the day.

Of course, the one Karma made for you was chosen. He chose one of your embarrassing elementary school nicknames you begged for him to keep in the past.

  "(N/N), you're so slow, hurry up!" Karma yelled as the two of you ran through the forest.

  "Shut the fuck up, Semi-Senioritis!" 

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now