𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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  "We have to climb this..?" You sighed, looking up at the mountain.

  "I can carry you on my back?" Karma suggested.

  "Absolutely not, I am not risking that.."

  "Suit yourself," he stretched his arms a bit before starting to climb, you followed right behind him.

The climb was easy but tiring, Karma didn't change his pace once.

  "Karma, slow down! I can't keep up!" You whined.

  "Um, if you haven't noticed, we're kinda on a schedule here."

  "I hate when you're right."

  "Must hate me a lot then," he replied before starting to climb again.

It didn't take too long to climb overall, Karma and Okano were the first ones to reach the top. Once you did, you leaned against Karma, catching your breath as quietly as possible. You were all hiding behind a fence. Before you knew it, you were in the building. Security guards flooded the lobby.

  "Come on, what are we waiting for? Let's just do it," Professor Bitch crossed her arms.

  "Yeah no way, lady! Sorry but I don't feel like getting caught," you whisper-yelled.

  "Watch and learn, sweethearts," she said before pretending to be tipsy, running into one of the guards.

  "Oh.. Sorry, blame the mini bar in my room~."

 "Uh, think nothing of it, ma'am. No harm done," the guard looked as if that was his first interaction with a beautiful woman.

  "Is that..? That's the piano I'm performing on next week! I came early to do the whole tourist  thing," she said before approaching the gorgeous, black grand piano. "Mind if I play a few bars? Let's see if this baby's in tune. It'll help me sober up."

All of your jaws dropped on the ground, she was playing the Fantasie-Impromptu with her eyes shut.

  "God, she really is incredible, bitchy or not.." You secretly admired your English teacher.

She got the guards to gather closer around her, buying you all twenty minutes, she signalled you all to haul ass, and that's exactly what you did.

  "We made it past the first check-point!" Kayano gave a close-eyed smile.

Karma dragged you further up the staircase with him, he figured it would be best to be furthest away from the guards. He hadn't let go of your hand since the two of you entered the hotel.

  You all went further down the hall, quickly but carefully.

  "If we're stopped we'll say we're staying here. Got that?" Mr. Karasuma asked.

  "But, sir. We're a bunch of junior high kids. I mean, look at us, right? We shouldn't be here," Sugaya expressed his concern.

  "Why not? There are lots of kids here. Where do you think the offspring of the ultra rich stay when they travel? Only the best for daddy's little prince or princess. You should see some of the antics those little trust fund brats get up to."

  "Shit, is that right, Paris Hilton? You get up to trouble in these sorta hotels?" You asked Karma, a teasing smile on your face.

  "I swear to God if you call me Paris Hilton one more time."

  "Sorry, my bad, trust fund brat."

  "I hope whoever we're after gets you," he replied jokingly.

  "..Let's practice! Show me entitled!" Koro-Sensei instructed. Everyone looked cracked out.

  "Notice how you aren't making a face? Because you don't have to!" You laughed a bit at Karma.

  "Says you, where's your entitled face?"

  "Shut up."

The walk to the top floors was surprisingly easy. Almost scarily easy. No one was making eye contact, making comments, or anything. They really thought you all were supposed to be there.

Terasaka and Yoshida tried to get out of 'stealth mode' and charge down the hall. Mr. Karasuma pulled them back when he saw the familiar man. The man put on a mask and pointed some sort of smoke device at your teacher, spraying him with it. Karma covered your mouth and nose with his hand that was once holding yours, though you were far enough, he just wanted to be safe.

The gas ended up only hitting Karasuma, once it wasn't visible, he removed his hand. Fuwa realised that the man was the guy who had given you all the complimentary drinks at the hotel. Mr. Karasuma couldn't take much more, he collapsed on his hands and knees. You had never seen him in such a weak state, it freaked you the fuck out.

You all blocked the exits while he was giving his whole villain speech to Karasuma. He managed to gain enough strength to kick the guy to the ground.

The guy was knocked out cold. You all tied him up and hid him under a couch and table. Isogai let Karasuma lean on him so they could walk safely.

  "Summer vacation is finally in full swing!" Koro-Sensei chuckled.

You were all silent for a minute before yelling at him. Nagisa swung him around. Karma stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

  "Hey, take your belt off for a sec. I'm gonna cram Mr. Have A Nice Day down your pants so he'll shut up," Karma pointed at Terasaka.

  "What did I say earlier?" You sighed.

Koro-Sensei gave a cheesy little speech before you carried on. The hall was almost all window, it was dark with teal LED lights, it was just your group and a forgien man there.

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now