𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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          A few days had passed since your first day in E-Class, you were fitting in just fine. Karma made sure you got your sleeping problem under control, by hitting your desk or yelling in your ear when you were about to fall asleep, though it was annoying, it worked.

  "Okay, look alive people. Meet our newest addition to the E-Class faculty," Mr. Karasuma said, referring to the forgien woman who was all over Koro-Sensei.

  "My name is Ms. Irina Jelavić! Nice to meet you all!" She introduced herself in an awfully cheery tone.

 None of you were really paying much attention, you were all thinking about just why a woman as beautiful as her was 'flirting' with a creature such as Koro-Sensei. Though, Okajima was thinking about other things.

  "Looks like Koro-Sensei really likes her.." You whispered to Karma, pointing at your blushing teacher.

  "It's like a free show or something, this is great," he whispered back.

  "Come on, students. Let's go outside and play some kickball games while Mr. Karasuma shows Ms. Jelavić around!" Koro-Sensei chimed as Irina let him go.

 You all got up from your desks and made your way outside. You all kicked a ball back and forth, with a few steps added for assassination, for a while until Ms. Jelavić came outside.

  "Yoo-whoo! Hope I'm not interrupting anything, darling! Mr. Karasuma tells me you can go mach 20 and I just had to see it with my own eyes!" She awed, flustering the octopus.

  "Well he may have exaggerated a bit.." He 'scratched' the back of his head with his tentacle.

  "I hate to ask this but I would be ever so grateful if you could fetch some Vietnamese coffee. I thought maybe you could grab it while I run the students through their English lesson," she asked, her face painted with a fake innocent expression.

  "But of course ma chérie, it just so happens I know a fabulous cafe in Vietnam!" He replied before flying away at mach 20.

  "It's uh, about that time, Ms. Irina, I mean that's the bell, shouldn't we head back?" Isogai asked.

  "Sure, whatever, knock yourselves out. Teacher needs peace and quiet though so make it a study hall," she replied as she lit a cigarette that was between her lips.

  "Goddamnit, I knew it was too good to be true," you groaned, quiet enough for only you and Karma to hear.

  "And another thing, let's agree to drop the 'ms' when the octopus isn't around. And we're definitely not on a first name basis, so drop it. When he is around, call me Ms. Jelavić."

  "Heh, so what's your game Ms. Jelabitch?" Karma said, you covered your mouth with your hand to prevent yourself from laughing.

  "No nicknames!"

  "We got ourselves a real pro here. Just a word of warning from those who have been playing the odds, you're not gonna kill the octopus without help," Karma smirked, you had no clue as to how he had the confidence to speak to an adult with such a tone but you admired it.

  "Please, sweetheart. You're a bunch of saplings, adults have their own way of doing things, take note. Speaking of which, you're Nagisa Shiota, right?" She asked, looking at the blue-haired boy.

Before he could give a response, she cupped his cheeks, planting a kiss on his lips, taking everyone by surprise, especially Kayano.

  "What the fuck kind of a class is this?" You muttered as Karma as taking photos of the two, which most likely went in his blackmail folder.

 Ms. Jelavić continued to get Nagisa to show her his note that he had taken on Koro-Sensei in the faculty lounge. The rest of you just headed back to class.

  "I'm not so sure if I like this Ms. Jelabitch, she's kinda bitchy," you said.

  "You don't say. Maybe if you didn't sleep for half the school day, you wouldn't have to deal with her."

  "Maybe if you didn't snore so much I could sleep at night instead of at school."

  "Hey, I'm not the one who wants to have a sleepover every other night," he chuckled.

  "Don't act like you're against them."

  "Well I mean it would be nice if we switched it up a bit and had them at your house every now and then."

  "No way, my parents don't know I have a boyfriend, they'd kill me. Your parents are never home so it works out!"

  "What do you mean your parents don't know about me?"

  "Would you two shut it already?" Terasaka groaned.

  "Aw, if you're mad you don't have a girlfriend you can just say that!" Karma sarcastically replied.

  "Why you-" before he could finish Ms. Jelavić and Nagisa entered the classroom once again.

  "What're you brats still doing here? Didn't I tell you all to go home?"

  "Well you see, English is only one period, we still have our Social Studies and Japanese periods before we can go home."

  "What's the point? Octopus will be dead before you can learn about the Pacific War or whatever the hell they're teaching you."

  "We'd prefer to stay till the day had ended, thank you," Kataoka said.

  "Suit yourselves."

 She sat down, looking at a tablet for what you all assumed was for the mission. Everyone, but Karma, stared at her blankly, hoping that she'd miraculously start teaching you English.

  "Uh, Ms. Jelabitch, ma'am? Are you gonna teach us or what?" Maehara broke the silence.

  "Seriously, Ms. Jelabitch. I'm bored out of my mind," you sighed.

  "Yeah c'mon, Ms. Jelabitch!" Nakamura said in an unenthusiastic tone.

  "No disrespect, but you are a teacher, aren't you Ms. Jellabitch?" Sugaya asked.

  "AH! IXNAY ON THE BITCHING!" She exclaimed. "The name is JelaVIĆ, understand? JelaBITCH is what I'll be if you don't get the difference through your thick, prepubescent skulls!"

  "Is she saying this isn't Jelabitch," you whispered to your boyfriend.

  "Let's review! My name is Jelavić. Jela-V! Vić! Bite your lower lip and hum!" You all did exactly that. "V! Excellent! Now practice that sound quietly for the next hour while I ignore you."

At least she was honest. Lamest lesson ever.

 The next day was the same, once English came around Ms. Jelavić got Koro-Sensei to go to India to get her some Chai while everyone in class just had a studyhall. Soon, sixth period came around, physical education. You were all shooting targets outside with Mr. Karasuma while Ms. Jelavić lured Koro-Sensei into the shed.

  "Jeez, guys really will put up with anything if they think they'll end up getting laid," you said to Nakamura.

  "Let's be honest, we all know he's no better."

You sighed in agreement.

 After hearing some rather lewd noises, you all made your way to the shed. After a second, none other than your very own English 'teacher' came out wearing a retro gym outfit, looking almost brain dead.

  "What did you do..?" You asked your yellow teacher.

  "Uh.. Adults sometimes need special care."

  "You know what, nevermind, I don't wanna know."

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now