𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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   You were all spread out throughout the forests, the team captains were obviously Nagisa and Karma. It was safe to say you were pretty pissed at Karma, one, for just assuming you'd go with what be wanted, and two, trying to get into a fight with one of your friends.

  "You alright, (Y/N)?" Yada asked.

  "Oh, yeah, I'm good. Just got lost in thought I guess."

  "About Karma?"

  "Is it that obvious?" You sighed.

  "Kinda, you were glaring at him the entire time we were getting into teams. Don't know if you noticed it but the rest of us sure did."

  "Great.. Whatever, let's just get this over with so we can go home," you let out a groan while stretching your arms.

  "Split up or stick together?"

  "Stick together."

And that's what the two of you did, you ended up getting a few people out. You ended up meeting with Maehara and Isogai.

  "How's it going? Have either of you seen Nagisa?" Isogai asked.

  "Nope, sure he's doing great though," you responded.

  "Yeah," Maehara was about to say something when you heard moving around in the bushes, pretty far away but still. "Shit. Okay, maybe being huddled together isn't the best idea. Go, we're all splitting up."

You nodded before starting to run in the east direction. Eventually, of course, you ran out of breath. You found a pretty bulky tree to hide by while you caught your breath. You bent over, your hands on your knees. You shut your eyes for what had to be one full second when you felt a paintball burst on your side.

  "For fuck's sake," you breathed.

You walked off without caring who shot you, all that mattered was that the paint was red. Honestly, you weren't too pissed you got out. You were tired and kinda just wanted to watch. You were just glad you weren't the first one to get out of your team.

  After making it to where everyone who was out was watching, there were about ten students already there. You sat next to Kurahashi.

The people kept piling and piling until it got down to just Nagisa and Karma.

You were pissed to say the least at Karma. You didn't care if he felt the same towards you at the moment, why? Because you found that it would be ridiculous if he were mad at you, easy as that.

  "Think Karma's gonna go easy on him?" Kanzaki asked.

  "No clue, I'm hoping so," you were a little nervous. I mean, everyone knew out of those two, Karma would win. I mean, shit, he took out a professional assassin on his own.

Then, fucking axe kick. Karma delivered an axe kick to the centre of Nagisa's back. You can't lie, Karma looked fine as hell in that moment, like to the point where you had to remind yourself you were mad at him.

  The fight went on and on and of course, since you were Karma's girlfriend, you got all the questions. Your replies got drier and drier. Eventually, the fight ended, Karma let Nagisa win.

  "Sweet, day's over now, right? I'll see you all tomorrow," you got out of there as soon as possible. You wanted to avoid an awkward conversation with Karma so you figured the easiest way out of one of those was to get out of there asap.

  You finished getting changed but since the universe is just always on your side, the first person you saw after leaving the change room was Karma.

  "Jeez, took you long enough," he jokingly complained.

  "Yep, sorry," you responded before continuing to walk.

  "Aw, you mad that my brilliant leadership got you out early?"


  "No witty comeback, huh.. Well I guess it was a big day."

  "Yep," you finally made it outside.

  "You uh, didn't come to see me after Nagisa won.."

  "Have to get home in a hurry, my bad."

  "You aren't holding my hand, or arm, or even looking at me.." He sighed. "What'd I do this time"

  "You're a smart guy, you can figure it out."

  "Oh come on, you're the first to tell me I'm dense as fuck when it comes to this stuff. Just tell  me so we can get over it."

  "You were ready to fight Nagisa, like not gym combat, like actually fight. Like the kinda shit you'd do to a wannabe highschool yakuza outside a 7-fucking-11."

  "But I didn't."

  "Yeah because Maehara, Isogai, and Sugino were literally holding you guys back."

  "Well I'm not sure if I'd say Sugino was really holding anyone back," he chuckled.

  "Karma, I'm serious. You know I don't care about you getting into fights, but seriously? Nagisa?" You had stopped walking at this point. "You know he didn't have a chance, sure he held up in the end but we all know what would've happened if there weren't teachers there."

  "Nagisa and I are good again, I don't see the issue."

  "The issue is you were going to actually hurt my friend, your friend too. You were being a dick," you mumbled the last bit.

  "So I'm a dick now?"

  "Yeah. You are."

  "Wow, you know, I didn't say anything when you chose blue but.."

  "But what? You can't use that against me."

  "Sure I can. Probably only chose it to piss me off even more, well congratulations, it worked."

  "Not everything I do revolves around you, Karma. I have my own opinions, sorry I don't always do what you want me to."

  "Don't make me sound like that," he rolled his eyes.

  "Like what?"

  "Like I fucking control you."

  "I never said you did."

  "Implied it."

  "Whatever, I didn't mean to. But Koro-Sensei said you can't hold grudges over who chose what side."

  "It's different. I don't give a shit about what Koro-Sensei says."

  "Great. I'm sorry I don't want to kill someone," you sarcastically apologise as you began walking again.

  "It's either one thing or the entire world, (Y/N)."

  "Koro-Sensei won't do that."

  "How do you know that?"

  "Because I just do, he wouldn't kill us, he loves us, he tells us all the time."

  " 'Love' is a very easy word to throw around, y'know?"

  "Whatever you say. I don't feel like doing this anymore, I'll talk to you tomorrow or something."

  "Yeah, alright," he walked ahead of you, he was pissed.

[ a/n ]

it has been a month sry lol i love uptown girl by billy joel, karma and (Y/N) remind me of uptown girl by billy joel

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