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  Seven years had passed. You all tried to keep in contact, but of course some friendships faded and some grew stronger. Regardless of which, you all held a very special place in each other's hearts, the E-Class of 2015 was truly unforgettable.

  Climbing up the mountain brought back so many memories. Racing through those woods for gym class, studying in the grass with Karma underneath the tree you both had deemed to be 'your spot', the pool Koro-Sensei had surprised you all with, you were finally able to match these memories with happiness rather than grief and sadness, only took seven years.

You reflected not only on middle school but also highschool. You were known as the 'E-Class girl' but now, rather than that being a way to mock you and your peers, there was respect behind it. You and Karma had been put in the same class for those three years, all you needed was each other. You made no new friends but you didn't mind that in the slightest, you didn't care if it were considered to be 'holding a grudge', you did not want to befriend your past bullies, even if they ended up almost idolizing you.

  "Jeez, how'd I do this every morning?" You mumbled to yourself, getting closer and closer to the top.

  "(Y/N)!" Kayano, Nakamura, Kurahashi, and Yada exclaimed in unison.

  "You're late, we're practically done already, jeez," Nakamura rolled her eyes jokingly.

  "Ya, ya, boohoo. I got caught up with stuff."

  "Oh yeah? Like what," Yada chuckled.

  "Shush, you," you jokingly waved your hand in her face, in a 'shooing' motion. "Lucky I even showed up!"

  "Looks like we were right, guys, Karma's money has officially gotten to her head," you all laughed. "Wait, hold on!" Nakamura grabbed your left hand, revealing a (silver/gold) ring with your favourite gem presented in the center.

  "Oops..." you mumbled.

  "DID YOU ARE KARMA GET MARRIED?" The three girls squealed loud enough for the rest of your former classmates to hear, who all of course came running over.

  "No shit, at this point we weren't sure if Karma even knew what an engagement was," Maehara chimed in.

  "Yeah no kidding," Isogai agreed.

  "Hold on, pause, re-fucking-wind, when did this happen and why weren't we invited?" Nakamura crossed her arms.

  "Last minute decision."

  "How is getting married a last minute decision?" Kayano asked.


Two Weeks Prior

  "Bad news," Karma sighed, pulling into the parking lot of your favorite restaurant. "Looks like they closed early."

  "Aw, no! What're we gonna do now?" The two of you had planned to head out to an early dinner to celebrate a promotion Karma had gotten.

He sat there for a moment, when you saw his eyes light up with a new idea.

  "What time is it?" He asked.

  "Uhh..." You grabbed your phone. "Just past 5:30, why..?"

  "Okay, cool, we got like an hour and a half then."

  "Gonna clue me in a bit?"

  "Courthouse in downtown Tokyo closes at 6:30, we're gonna run home, grab our passports and social insurance, boom bam married."

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now