𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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   You all turned around but no one was there? Just a shadow like ghost figure. You weren't even a hundred percent sure if what you were seeing was real. Muramatsu and Yoshida tried to charge at it but they went right through it.

  "Hand-to-hand skill combat was the first skill I honed as an assassin. So as you might imagine, I'm rather good at it." It was him, The reaper. He was talking while effortlessly knocking members of your class to the ground. "A talent ninety-nine percent unnecessary in this profession, but without it, one percent of my quarry would survive."

Karma desperately wanted to fight against him but for once, he knew he had no chance. He found that in the moment it would just be best to look after you, make sure that you don't get hurt.

  "Everyone, stay back. Leave this guy to me," Nagisa said.

  "Are you out of your mind?" Karma asked.

He ignored Karma and approached The Reaper. He held a taser in front of him but The Reaper was able to knock him down to the ground with just one clap, no physical contact or anything. You looked up at Karma and he was smiling, at times like these he even confused you.

  And of course, you all ended up back at square one, in the cell. You sat against the wall, you had never felt more defeated in your life. Karma sighed as he sat next to you.

  "(Y/N), I swear to God we'll get out of here," he whispered in your ear before planting a kiss on your temple.

You all basically gave up, no matter what you did The Reaper was always one step ahead. You decided that you had to be patient.

  Five minutes. Ten minutes. Twenty minutes. Thirty. Fourty. Fifty. An hour had passed and finally they arrived, Mr. Karasuma and Koro-Sensei. Karma looked over at you, giving you an assuring smile.

The Reaper and Professor Bitch went somewhere else, to commence 'plan sixteen' as they called it. From what it felt like, you truly believed the odds were in The Reaper's favour this time around.

  "Karma.. What do you thinks taking them so long to get to us..?" You asked softly.

  "Don't worry, time passes weird town here, I bet it's barely even been five minutes," he tried to assure you. "It's Koro-Sensei and Karasuma we're talking about anyways, hell I wouldn't be surprised at all if Reaper Peeper's gone lights out by now."

"I really hope you're right."

  Karma didn't leave your side at all throughout the entire thing. Koro-Sensei ended up getting trapped in the cell along with the rest of your class. It was up to Mr. Karasuma to free you all. He began licking the bars, saying that if he kept that up, the toxins in his saliva would melt the metal within two days. Hey, it was better than nothing. Well, that was until The Reaper came back.

  "This room..? It's about to be flooded," he got straight to the point.

'No, no, no, this cannot be how I die, this can't be it,' you didn't feel real at that moment. You felt like you were floating yet you were still on the ground, you wanted to hyperventilate however you didn't want to appear scared in front of the man who was planning on taking your life.

He explained how the water would enter the cell but you couldn't pay attention to that, you could only think about your future, the future you wanted so desperately. You hadn't even entered high school and you were already in a life or death situation.

  When you zoned back in, you realised Mr. Karasuma and Professor Bitch were in the room again. Mr. Karasuma punched The Reaper. The two men ended up chasing each other out of the room.

  You could hear explosions, that did not help ease your mind one bit. Professor Bitch ended up following where they went. You and the rest of your class were huddled around Koro-Sensei, listening to the walkie talkie with Mr. Karasuma on the other line.

From what Mr. Karasuma said Professor Bitch was badly injured, she had a concrete wall on top of her. Kurahashi begged for Karasuma to go back and save her. All you could do was wait, and that was killing you. But, you did all end up piggy backing each other and blending in with the wall so The Reaper couldn't see you.

  Mr. Karasuma ended up winning the fight. The Reaper was dead.

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now