𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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               Professor Bitch ended up being pretty sweet, though she'd never admit to having a soft side. It was safe to say she was on everyone's goodlist now. Everyone was getting into groups to go down the mountain to get to the main campus for an assembly when you felt someone dragging you by the wrist.

  "Huh? Karma? We're supposed to be getting into groups, where are we going?" You asked the red haired boy as his hand moved from your wrist to your hand, interwinding your fingers.

  "We're hiding."


  "So we don't have to go to the stupid assembly, duh," he said as he guided you to the back of the school, where the two of you sat down.

  "Come on, we have to go. We'll get into serious trouble if we skip an assembly."

  "What're they gonna do? Send us to E-Class?" He chuckled. "Not like Koro-Sensei's gonna do  anything either."

  "I guess so.. Fine, I'll stay with you this time, but I'm going to the next one."

  "Why? To get talked down to and mocked by literally everyone else in the school? You saw how people treated the end class last year, I doubt this year will be any different."

  "I mean, yeah, it sucked and I'm definitely not looking forward to it but we can't hide from it forever. Not unless you want us to look like chickens."

  "Are you calling me a chicken?"

  "Maybe," you laugh a bit, he playfully pushed you.

  "You're the worst, I'm too easy on you, aren't I?" He jokingly sighed.

  "Nope, not at all," you smiled. "Come on, I wanna go walk."

He groaned, rolling his eyes a bit as he got up, holding his hand out for you. You took it, pulling yourself up from the ground. You dusted off your skirt a bit before starting to walk into the forest. Karma let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around you as you both walked.

  "I can't believe you ditched me for Nakamura, Yada, and Kurahashi, I'm not gonna forgive you for that."

  "Oh come on, it was one lab. I need to make new friends. Not my fault you're antisocial," you laughed a bit.

  "You've made friends with like everyone in our class, mission accomplished, now you have no reason to be ditching me."

  "Not everyone, I still can't get to Terasaka or Okuda."

  "Oh please, no one wants to be friends with Terasaka, and Okuda's just shy."

  "She seems to talk to you and everyone else just fine, I don't know, but everyone else seems  really nice."

  "They're okay."

  "Everyone's just 'okay' to you, you don't get a say."

  "Hey, I think you're better than okay."

  "Yeah? Me and who else?"

  "Nagisa's alright too."

  "You really are impossible," you sighed a bit. "You and Nagisa don't really talk anymore, come?"

  "We uh.. Just drifted apart, I told you this. I'd rather spend time with you anyway so it's not a  big deal."

  "Right, sorry. I forgot," you laughed a bit. You knew that was a lie but you figured if he had been keeping it a secret for that long that it just meant he really didn't wanna talk about it, since Karma was usually a brutally honest, straight forward person.

 The two of you ended up walking around in the forest until the end of the school day, which was not the plan on your part but was most definitely Karma's.

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now