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    It turned out Koro-Sensei and 'the Reaper' had a history. Koro-Sensei was the assassin known as the Reaper, the one who had taken his name was none other than an apprentice for say.

They fought, and fought. Ms. Jelavic and Mr. Karasuma showed up during the fight and just watched. Right when you all began to lose hope, Koro-Sensei gave an inspirational speech and Kayano joined the fight. You had nearly forgotten about her tentacles. But, she had doubted her opponent's strength and was impaled right in front of your eyes. All of you were completely stunned, at a loss for words. Karma's first reaction was to pull you close into his chest so you wouldn't have to witness your friend's possible dying breath.

Her blood fell off of her and she hit the ground, it all felt like it was in slow motion. The world went quiet for a second, until Shiro's obnoxious laughter met your ears. Finally, Koro-Sensei snapped. A red fire surrounded him.

  "We need to get out of here!" Nagisa yelled, holding Kayano's lifeless body.

  "No-" you were about to say.

  "Don't finish that sentence. We're getting out of here. I'm not risking you getting hurt, or meeting the same fate as Kayano, got it?" Karma spoke in your ear.

  "..Okay, that's probably a good idea."

While you were all running, trying to find a way out, Koro-Sensei defeated them, for Kayano, for all of you really.

  Koro-Sensei met you all back on the ground and revealed he had collected Kayano's blood. He would be able to save her. He strung her cells together one by one. Since Karma and Itona both were blood type AB they donated some of their blood. And before you knew it, Kayano gasped a big breath. You felt the weight of the world float off your shoulders.

  "Koro-Sensei! You can do that?" Yada asked, before she could get an answer he collapsed on the ground.

  "I'm exhausted.." He said.

  "Oh I bet," you responded.

It all hit you for real this time, this was your final chance to say goodbye to your beloved teacher. You wouldn't see him ever again after this night. You all got on the ground, holding one tentacle each so he couldn't move. The feeling you got in your chest was nearly indescribable. Your heart felt as if you'd be able to visit him at the old campus whenever you wanted but your brain knew that this was it. You knew it yet couldn't admit it to yourself. You hadn't realised you were already crying till you felt the tickling sensation of a tear dropping from your chin and onto the tentacle both you and Karma were holding.

  "Now, (Y/N). There's no need for tears.. You knew what the deal was, it's ok," your teacher attempted to comfort.

  "How could you say that? None of this is okay, Koro-Sensei. Why can't they just give you a chance.. The whole world would love you if they got the opportunity to know you! It's, it's just not fair.. Not fair at all," you got choked up. "They introduced you to us as an enemy, but the truth is, you're one of the people I feel safest with and I think everyone here can agree on that. They can't just take you away from us, you deserve a much longer, happy life Sensei."

  "Look children.. I know, this is hard, believe me I know. But I have to go. I am so, so proud of each and everyone of you, I am eternally grateful to have been able to spend my final year with you children, thank you. Now, let's do one final roll call."

Name by name the tears fell more and more, from you all.

  "(Y/N) (L/N)," you were one of the last new names, it was officially coming to an end.

  "He.." You have never found it harder to get a word out. "I'm here.."

  "I'd say it's been an exceptionally fun year," he said with the same grin on his face after announcing Ritsu and Itona's names. "I say this with all sincerity.. It's a privilege to be assassinated by you."

Nagisa, with a stone cold face, was on top of him, his knife angled to stab.

  "As a fellow spirit from one traveller to another, give a yell for all life," Koro-Sensei paused. "And strike."

Nagisa began shaking. You could tell he was trying to fight it. His tears finally began rolling as he let out the biggest battle cry. Koro-Sensei helped him calm down and that's when the sobs were released.

  "Goodbye, Koro-Sensei," Nagisa said, a sweet smile on his face.

  "Goodbye, Nagisa. Goodbye, my students."

  "Goodbye Koro-Sensei..."

Slowly, the blade sunk into the crescent moon tie he always wore. A beam of light appeared as it sunk deeper, and deeper. Golden particles flew around the air, he was evaporating slowly. It was beautiful. He was gone, forever. All left, the robe we wore everyday. Nagisa let out the most heartbroken, painful, scream you'd ever hear. And the rest of you joined. Even Karma was crying, though not as much as the rest of you.

  "This wasn't supposed to end like this, Karma. He's not gone, right? Please tell me it's not real he can't be gone," you sobbed harder than you ever had.

  "I..I can't.."

  "Please, Karma. Please, he's not gone, he can't be," you were praying and praying.

  "(Y/N) please, he's.. He's gone, I'm sorry. I can't fix this, I'm so sorry," he pulled you into a tight hug, but this hug was different, it was for him too, he needed comfort. That had never happened before.

You came to the realisation, Koro-Sensei was truly like a father figure to Karma. Though he'd never admit it, you knew he loved him deeply. He filled in the gaps Karma had been missing from his parents nearly his entire life.

  "He loved you Karma, don't ever forget that please. He loved you so much, he loved all of us."

  "I know. God, I love you so much (Y/N). I can't lose you ever."

  "I love you, Karma, far more than words could ever describe."

It was your turn to give his forehead a soft kiss, trying to become strong again, you wanted to be a shoulder to cry on for him, for the first time.

  "Fuck, what am I doing?" He wiped his tears. "Sorry, sorry, come here honey." He forced a smile, you shook your head.

  "No, you've been my rock throughout this entire ordeal, no, for two whole years. It's your turn."

He hesitated but nodded. "Thank you," he whispered. 

  "If only spring could've lasted forever."


𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now