𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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            The rest of the field trip was normal, or well as normal as it could get given your teacher. You all were back at the inn, some were at the arcade, others at the baths, you were hanging out outside with Karma, just the two of you. He had gotten very clingy since the whole kidnapping incident.

  "Karma.. Are you okay?" You finally asked.

  "What? Am I not allowed to hug my girlfriend?"

  "Well, of course you are, I won't ever stop you. But you've never been into pda and whatever, like sure we hold hands a lot and whatnot but you've barely let me go since..Well you know. Is something wrong?"

  "I don't wanna talk about it, it's probably stupid."

  "Come on, I'm not gonna tease you or anything. I've just never seen you like this before, not that I don't like all the hugs and kissing or anything!"

  "Alright.. Well, it's just I took my eyes off of you for one second yesterday, one second. And as soon as I look back, you're being taken away," though you and Karma had been dating for so long, you had never seen him like that. He looked almost vulnerable, genuinely sad looking.

  "Hey, but I'm all good now. All because of you, Nagisa and the rest of our group, and Koro-Sensei of course. We were in a sketchy area, it's not gonna happen again."

  "Still.. If I had just stayed by your side, they wouldn't have taken you."

  "Karma, come on. It's not your fault and you know that. How were you supposed to know they'd show up? It took us all by surprise. I don't want you feeling guilty about any of this," you rested your head on his shoulder.

  "Okay, yeah, you're right. I'm sure I'll be fine by the time we get back to Tokyo," he sighed. "Sorry, this is probably really douchey, huh? I should be comforting you, I mean, you got kidnapped for fucks sake."

  "Nah, I'm all good! I promise. Nothing bad bad actually happened to me, plus after the beating Koro-Sensei gave them, I trust they won't try anything funny."

  "Good enough for me," he smiled before pressing his lips against yours, his hand resting on the back of your head while his other one was caressing your cheek.

  "Yo! (Y/N)- Eww.. Am I interrupting something..?" Nakamura said as she found you and Karma just outside the inn. Your face went almost bright red.

  "Yes, as a matter of fact, you are," Karma rolled his eyes.

  "Too bad, (Y/N), come on, we're having a girl talk in our room!" She grabbed your hand, pulling you up from the pavement.

  "Wow, first you're perving, watching us kiss, and now you won't let us finish what we started? You're a real ass, Nakamura," Karma said jokingly.

  "Shut up, you two can make out or whatever when we're not on a field trip," she replied before dragging you inside.

You sat down next to Yada once you got into the girl's room. Nakamura stood in the middle of the room.

  "Alright! Boys. Let's talk about them," she said.

  "Ew... Who wants to talk about boys..?" Kataoka replied.

  "Ugh, come on. That's what girls talk about on trips like these, don't be a party pooper."

  "I'll start! I have a huge crush on Mr. Karasuma!" Kurahashi eagerly started you all off.

  "Honey, there's no one here who doesn't have a thing for that man. I'm talking about boys in our class who we all think are hotties," Nakamura sighed. "Whatever... I'll get the ball rolling. Isogai and Maehara are half decent I guess."

  "Gross, you don't seriously like them?" Kataoka cringed.

  "Why not? Maehara plays the field though, so I'd never actually go out with him or anything. Isogai's class monitor so he's like upwardly mobile."

  "I still think Karma's the cutest in the class out of the guys. I'm not just saying that cause I'm his girlfriend either."

  "Yeah, I'd say so too. Not to hit on him or anything, of course," Yada added.

  "Too bad he's such a psycho," Hinata sighed.


  "Come on! I don't think he's bad at all when you get to know him, he's sweeter than you'd think," Okuda smiled.

  "Yeah.. Real sweet when you get to know him," you tried to hide your annoyance, you were slowly putting the pieces together as to why Okuda avoided talking to you and acted so weird around Karma.

  "(Y/N)! Why don't you tell us about what he's like as a boyfriend," Yada laughed, sensing the tension building up.

  "Oh, um, sure. Well, he gets super clingy when we're alone, or when he's tired. I don't really know how to explain how he acts, it's the same but different at the same time? I mean, we've known each other since the second grade so it's safe to say he's comfortable with letting loose around me."

They all began teasing you and Kanzaki about boys, you were all laughing pretty hard.

  "Okay, girls. Settle down. I'm supposed to tell you lights out, so, I dunno, at least pretend to be asleep?" Professor bitch said, standing at the door with a six-case pack of beer.

  "Wow, way to chaperone there."

  "We all know you're gonna stay up jibber-jabbering. Just keep the antics to a dull roar, okay?"

  "Hang on! How come you get to drink deer?" Kurahashi asked. "Meanie!"

  "I'm an adult, sweetie. Adults get to drink beer."

  "Hey, you should stay up with us! We wanna hear your assassin stories!" You chirped.

  "Yeah! Come on, it'll be fun!" Yada smiled.

She ended up agreeing.

  Meanwhile, with the boys in their room, they were busy ranking the girls.

  "Karma! Great timing!"

  "Which of the girls in our class do you like?"

  "Are you stupid? Him and (Y/N) are dating, did you seriously not know?" Maehara replied as Karma lifted up the paper.

  "Seems like you all really like (Y/N) too.." He said as he saw your ranking was just below Kanzaki's.

  "H-Hey! It's just based off of looks and whatever! We don't like her like her so don't worry."

Then, they realised Koro-Sensei was eavesdropping the entire time. They all chased him out of the room.

  "Kill him!"

He ended up hiding in the girl's room, which ended up with all of you chasing after him as well.

You ran into Karma once again, the two of you watched as everyone struggled to kill your teacher.

  "Soo.. How's it going in your room?" You asked.

  "Turns out you're a whole lot more popular than I thought."

  "Yeah, same goes for you," you laughed a bit.

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now