𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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  Well, the assassination attempt didn't work. No surprise there. Sure, you were all disappointed but you all knew deep down it wouldn't work.

  "Allow me to introduce my trump card of trump cards! My Absolute defence form!" He was a large marble. He began explaining it but you weren't really listening. You swam over to the dock, taking a seat near where Karma was standing.

Terasaka threw Koro-Sensei to Karma. He pulled out his phone, showing your teacher a picture of him looking at a porn magazine. He crouched down, leaning his phone against a rock so Koro-Sensei had no choice but to look.

  "You monster!" Koro-Sensei shrieked. "I can't bury my face in my hands in this form!"

  "Oh, sorry 'bout that. Let's see if there's a way to help you out there. This sea slug do anything?" Koro-Sensei screamed even louder. "Anyone know where I can find a creepy old beach bum? I'm gonna shove Koro-Sensei down his pants!"

  "(Y/N)! Please, help!"

  "Karma, we're supposed to kill him, not traumatise him," you sighed.

Mr. Karasuma took Koro-Sensei from Karma's hand. You and Karma began walking away before everyone else, it was pretty safe to say you two were the least disappointed, for different reasons of course. You didn't want Koro-Sensei to die, though the money sounded pretty sweet. But Karma just didn't care, not unless he got to kill Koro-Sensei by himself, or with your assistance.

  "You should wear swimsuits like that more often, looks good," he looked down at your (F/C) swimsuit, which was a bit more maturely cut than you were used to, nothing like Professor Bitch's though. But since you figured you'd try something new.

  "You know, I'm shocked you, Okajima and Maehara don't get along more."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Nothing, nothing," you laughed a bit. "I'm gonna go up to my room and get changed, save a spot for me?"

  "Of course, be quick though."

 With that, you sped walked to the hotel. You came back wearing a black fitted tank top and light blue shorts. Karma kept his word and saved you a spot right next to him. No one was talking. Karma's head was leaned back, gently biting down on a straw. You weren't thirsty nor in the mood for 'tropical juice' so you didn't drink any.

You and Nagisa looked around from your chairs, half the class didn't look good. They were sweaty and their faces were going red.

 'Maybe they accidentally drank too much sea water.. They probably just need to puke.' You thought.

You stood up to see how they were feeling when Nakamura bumped into you.

  "Let me lean on you for a sec.." She said, you just nodded, before she could she fell to the ground.

  "Jesus, are you okay?! What happened? You were fine five minutes ago!" You crouched down.

  "Damn, I really fell for you this time, (Y/N)," she tried to laugh.

  "Rio, seriously, not the time for our chemistry jokes," you reached over to feel her forehead. "You're burning up! How come you didn't say anything earlier?"

Before she could answer Okijima's nose started spewing blood, grabbing all of your attention. Things only went down from there.

 Karma grabbed you and lifted you by your upper arms.

  "Careful, you don't know if it's contagious," he whispered so only you could hear, guess he didn't want others to see his 'caring' side. He felt your forehead with the back of his hand  "Okay, good, you feel normal and look fine. You're feeling good too, right? No sore stomach? Headache?"

  "I'm fine.." You didn't ask the same since you figured he wouldn't have grabbed you if he even felt the slightest bit off.

He saw the panicked look on your face, he pulled you closer to him, your chests facing each other. You wrapped your arms around him while he gently stroked your hair.

Nagisa was tending to Nakamura, well as much as he could. You looked over at Mr. Karasuma and he was seriously pissed.

  Beds were set up for all the ill students. Your heart sunk down to your stomach when you heard Karma say there was no way to find out who did this until you confronted them. If they had done this much damage without being there, imagine what they could do face to face.

You only had one hour to get the antidote, without a full class to help.

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now