𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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[ a/n ]

Guys i do not want to write out 'secret identity time' so im skipping past it, same with episodes explaining Koro-Sensei's past with Yukimura simply because idk how i'll write (Y/N) and Karma into it. #slay


  "I'm not even sure it's possible but instead of killing Koro-Sensei, I think we should try to save him," Nagisa finally said what you had been thinking from the very start.

You were all standing in the forest, Nagisa in the centre of the circle. Of course, you and Karma wew standing together in the very back, he was leaning against a tree while your back was  against his chest.

Of course you all had questions, especially given the fact that the school year was coming to an end.

  "Well I don't know, yet.." Was Nagisa's answer.

  "Totally! I'm game! Koro-Sensei's a way too good of a bug-hunting buddy to let explode!" Kurahashi exclaimed.

  "Thank goodness you said something, if you didn't, I would've," Kataoka added.

  "So you're on board?" Nagisa asked. A few members of E-Class agreed.

  "I really hate to be the one who spoils the mood.. But I'm against it," Nakamura stated. "We're assassins, he's the target. That's our bond. Koro-Sensei said it himself. I don't know about you but I cherish that bond. Think about it, not killing him would defeat the purpose."

  "Nakamura, I.. You're against it?" Nagisa was in disbelief and honestly, so were you.

  Soon, everyone but you and Karma were in a group, with or against killing Koro-Sensei. You  obviously knew what side you were going to choose and you assumed Karma would choose the same one, little did you know that Karma had the same mind set.

Nagisa and Terasaka were about to get into a small argument when Karma finally spoke.

  "Always the talented ones, huh?"

  "What're you doing?" You whispered, he ignored you.

 "Figuring whatever the odds, in the end, things will always work out. Wow, listen to you. Getting  a tad full of yourself there, chief."


  "Granted, you're the most gifted one in our class, but seriously. We should just up and scrap the whole assassination plan?" Karma gently moved you out of his way so he could approach Nagisa. You went over to Yada and Kurahashi. "What about the underdogs? Those of us who work ourselves sick just to squeak by on what little talent we have. How're we supposed to feel? You're like a hot chick telling her homely friends there's no point in trying to find a man."

  "Out of any example, huh?" You whispered to the two girls.

  "Of course you don't have a problem with changing the rules, you've already won the game," Karma kept going.

  "That's.. That's not what I'm trying to say at all! Besides, I'm not the gifted one. Between you and me you're the better assassin," Nagisa looked at the ground.

  "Okay, hearing you talk like that just pisses me off even more. You know what your problem is, Nagisa? You've got no respect for how hard this is for everyone who isn't you."

  "Woah, woah! Where is this coming from?! I'm just telling you how I feel! Do you have an axe to grind with Koro-Sensei or something? He took us to the movies! He made learning fun!"

  "That's my point! Why do you think he bothered?! Huh? He didn't want us to end up like a bunch of whiney, half assed, jerks! And look at you! Assassinating him is what this entire class is based on, You're just trying to find a loophole! You want to undermine what Koro-Sensei's done? Or do you have the mind and body of a ten-year-old?" You had never seen Karma that mad before, it was almost scary. Nagisa just looked down once again, looking at Karma with just his eyes.

  "Hm? Ah, what's with that look? Aw, the itty-bitty mouse wanna roar? Feel like he could take on a lion?"

  "No, I.." Before Nagisa could even reach mid-sentence, Karma began pushing him.

  "Got something you wanna say? Kick my ass for once and you can say whatever you like. Oh don't be shy, what're you afraid of? Let's settle this like men, c'mon."

Before you knew it, they were full blown fighting.

  "(Y/N), go calm him down!" Yada tried to push you towards them.

  "I can't! He doesn't listen to me when he gets like this!"

Thankfully, Maehara, Isogai, and Sugino were able to hold them back, though Nagisa wasn't much of an issue.

  "A good old fashioned school yard fight? Outstanding!" Koro-Sensei came out of nowhere. "However, you're the assassination classroom! This is how we settle our differences!"

  "What kind of mediator are you?!"

  Quickly he set up two sides, red paintballs for those who wanted him 'liquidated' and blue for those who beg to differ. Everyone grabbed their weapons, stating the reason why they chose it. Finally, it was your turn, you could feel Karma staring at you.

  "So Ms. (Y/N), what will it be?" Koro-Sensei asked, you picked up a blue gun.

  "I never signed up to be an assassin, I never wanted to kill anyone, it's unfair that we all got thrown into this situation without a say. I never wanted to be the one to kill you from the start but now, I can't watch you die, you just mean too much to me."

  "Very well, now that's everyone. Let's begin, shall we?" Koro-Sensei chirped.

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now