𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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  "Hey, Kayano~," you hummed as your temporary roommate layed on her bed that was only a few feet from yours.

  "I don't like that tone.. What's up..?"

  "You and Nagisa are good friends, right?" You asked, sitting at the foot of her bed which was made with white sheets and a grey throw blanket, matching pillows.

  "Yeah.. Why..?"

  "Well he's rooming with Karma so I was thinking that you could maybe switch places with Karma so Koro-Sensei and Mr. K won't find out?"

The school of course was not going to give you all individual rooms, everyone had at least one roommate, each pair or group having each member of the same gender.

  "What?! No way! Absolutely not!" She practically shrieked.

  "Oh come on! We're here for like a week, it's not like you two have to share a bed or anything!"

  "Well why can't Karma just share a bed with you in here, or you go there!"

  "Because that's awkward! Can we at least test it out for one night?"

  "Fine, one night. If it'll get you to stop asking," her face was bright red.

 Sure, you and Karma wanted to room together, but what the two of you wanted more was for Kayano and Nagisa to have some alone time together. You, because you simply thought they'd be good together, and Karma because he wanted a couple to tourture. Karma was having the exact same conversation with Nagisa in their room, almost word for word.


  "Just put them on, you fucking princess," Karma said, referring to the snorckeling goggles.

  "But they're ugly!"

  "They're goggles. No one looks good in goggles, it's fine."

  "So you think I won't look good in goggles?"

  "Put them on for the love of God."

You jokingly rolled your eyes before putting them on before standing up.

  "Okay, people! We're up next! It's go time! Everybody do what you need to do so we can go change!" Kayano projected.

  "On it!"

You, Nagisa, Sungino, Nakamura and Karma all jumped into the water. The idea was to make it look like you were having a relaxing, fun time on vacation but in reality, your only focus was killing your teacher. You ended up finding a good spot quickly so you got out of the water. Immediately taking off the goggles.

  "Goddamn, you were right. No one looks good in goggles," you laughed while looking at Karma, his bright red hair covering his eyes.

He took off his goggles, whacking you with them gently before fixing his hair, enough so he didn't look like a knock-off Chiba.

  "You get Kayano to agree?"

  "She agreed to at least one night."

  "Perfect," he deviously smiled.

  "You better be nice to them."

  "Yeah, alright," he had almost a sarcastic tone.

You sat on the beach with Karma while waiting for everyone else to finish their tasks before you would all try out your assassination attepmt.

 "This sucks! I don't wanna be focused on work this entire trip, I wanna do normal vacation stuff," you groaned.

  "Pretty sure you're not gonna get any of that, not with this class."

  "Damn, you could at least lie."

He chuckled. "Here, once we get back to Tokyo I promise we'll have the normal-est summer ever, just the two of us."

  "I'll hold you to it."

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now