Arriving At Hogwarts

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Ophelia stood just inside the doors of Hogwarts anxiously fidgeting with her long black hair. The letter she had received said that once she had arrived she was to wait for her Godfather to fetch her and bring her into the dining hall. Although it was warm inside a small shiver went down her spine as she took in her surroundings. The school was much larger then she had been anticipating and it was a little overwhelming for her. She took a deep breath to steady herself and stood up a little taller. She never had been one to back down from a challenge. And Hogwarts was most definitely going to be her biggest challenge by far.

A sharp screech interrupted her thoughts and she turned her attention to a small white owl in the cage beside her feet. She bent down to inspect her beautiful bird.

"I'm sorry Lotus. I know it's been a long trip and you must want to get out of that cage to stretch your wings. But I'm afraid you'll have to wait a little while longer."

The owl looked up at her, flapped her wings, and gave a small screech as if to show her objection.

"I know I'm terribly sorry. I'll make it up to you I promise. But we were told to wait for Godfather."

She looked around the well lit hall. There didn't seem to be anyone in sight. She bit her lower lip, "Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to let you out just for a little while. It must be awfully cramped inside that cage."

Lotus flapped her wings enthusiastically so she picked up the cage and silently slipped out of the large doors and into the courtyard, setting the cage down onto the grass, "Just for a minute now you hear? And don't go wandering off too far now."

As soon as she unlocked the cage the bird burst out of the door and soared into the sky chirping happily. Swooping across the yard and dodging in between the trees.

"Lotus!!!! Come back!!! I said not to go wandering off!!! Oh! Now I'll really be in trouble!"

She chased after her bird, "Come back!!!"

To her absolute horror, she watched as Lotus circled around and started flying towards three students, that were absentmindedly walking across the courtyard and decided to perch on the shoulder of the tall blond student rather suddenly.

"Bloody Hell!!! Who's bird is this!?!"

She approached them utterly embarrassed, "I-I'm so sorry. I only meant to let her out to stretch her wings for a minute. S-she doesn't normally like strangers. I'm sorry if she startled you. She's got a nack for getting herself into trouble."

The boy locked eyes with her and inspected her carefully, rubbing Lotus' feathers and making her chirp happily before giving Ophelia a sort of crooked smile, "You should keep a better eye on her then yeah? I've never seen you around the school before. Are you new?"

She nodded meekly, "It's my first day and unfortunately we're already causing trouble. I'm very sorry about Lotus."

She looked at her bird curiously who was nestled snuggly on the boy's shoulder cooing affectionately while he pet her.

"Like I said she doesn't normally like strangers. Rather odd that she's taken a liking to you."

He chuckled lightly and scooped the bird up in his arms, "She seems perfectly content to me. I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. This is Crabbe and Goyle."

They nodded at her curtly and she returned their nods.

Malfoy tilted his head slightly, "And you are?"

"Oh I'm sorry! Kingsley. Ophelia Kingsley. And you've already met Lotus."

"Bloody hell! Are you really? Your parents wouldn't happen to be Elizabeth and Alexander Kingsley would they?"

She blushed and nodded.

"Really? They're one of the most renowned wizard families in the world! Why haven't you come to Hogwarts sooner if that's the case?"

She shuffled her feet uncomfortably, "Oh well I would have. Except my parents were always traveling. So I never really got the chance. They taught me everything they know however so I do have some knowledge when it comes to magic and such."

He nodded, "I see. So what made them decide to send you now then?"

She shrugged, "They thought it was about time I suppose."

"In our third year?"

She shrugged again and then turned her attention to Goyle who was reaching out to try and pet Lotus, "Oh no! I really wouldn't do that if I were you! She really doesn't like strangers!"

He ignored her and continued to reach for the bird in Malfoy's arms. Without any warning Lotus snapped at him causing him to shriek.

"Ouch!!! She bit me!!!! The bloody bird bit me!!!!"

Malfoy laughed out loud and Ophelia quickly took her bird from his arms.

"I did try and warn you! It's your own fault she bit you!"

Goyle winced, sucking on his finger and glared at Malfoy, "It's not funny! She made me bleed!"

Malfoy laughed harder, "Oh you're such a baby!"

Ophelia started to back away, "We've caused enough trouble as it is. We'd better go now. I'm sorry for everything!"

Malfoy turned to look at her, "Wait where are you going?"

"I really have to go! I was supposed to be waiting for someone!" She turned to run back towards the doors of Hogwarts calling out over her shoulder, "I truly am sorry!"

The boys watched her go and Malfoy smirked watching her fleeing figure.

Crabbe turned to look at him with a dopey smile on his face, "She's gorgeous isn't she?"

Malfoy glared at him and shoved him, "Shut up!"


Ophelia grumbled to herself as she put her bird back in her cage, "Flying off like that, startling strangers, biting people!!! What has gotten into you? You know better then that! We'd better go back inside now before we get ourselves into more trouble!"

She tried to slip quietly back inside and promptly bumped into a tall man with a long black robe, black hair, and a piercingly stern gaze.

"Ms. Ophelia Kingsley. And just where have you been?"

She smiled sheepishly, "I-I'm sorry Godfather. I didn't mean to keep you waiting."

Snape's stern gaze softened a bit and he smiled softly at the girl, "The last time I saw you you were just a tiny thing. You're practically grown now."

She smiled and placing the cage on the floor embraced him warmly, "It's not my fault my parents were always off on some new expedition!"

He returned her embrace and then quickly stiffened up and cleared his throat, "Well from here on out see to it that you are punctual. Tardiness is not tolerated here."

She nodded.

"You may leave your bird here with the rest of your belongings and they will be brought up to your room after the evening meal. During which you will be sorted into your house. Since we are already late I suggest that we don't waste anymore time. So, if you would please follow me."

She followed her Godfather down a corridor until they were standing in front of a massive set of doors. She could hear someone talking faintly from inside.

"It is my duty and pleasure to introduce Hogwarts newest student. Ms. Ophelia Kingsley!"

Suddenly the ginormous doors were thrown open and the eyes of hundreds of students were all fixed on her. The sound of applause was ringing in her ears. And she could feel herself freeze on the spot.

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