Drunken Confessions

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It had been a little over a week since Ophelia's little misshape in the Dark Forest and she was struggling with getting things to go back to normal. Classes had become a bit of a challenge for her since she was still trying to get the hang of doing things with one hand. She was however grateful that it was her left arm that was injured and not her right since she was right handed. It still didn't make things any easier.

She hated the sympathetic looks that she received from the professors whenever she fumbled to complete a simple task in class. Although Draco had been a saint to her by helping her during classes, with her homework, and carrying her books to and from class everyday, she couldn't help but feel like she was being a burden to him. Ophelia was constantly worried that he was going to fall behind with his own studies because he spent all of his time helping her with hers. She knew that getting good grades were important to him because his father expected no less then perfection and she felt just awful taking up so much of his time.

As if that wasn't enough to deal with she was more then well aware of the whispers and stares she got from the other students as well whenever she was in her classes, or walking the halls, or simply sitting with her friends in the Great Hall during meals.

She was walking with Draco back to her dorm after classes one evening. Draco was in the middle of telling her how proud he was of her for how well she had done in her classes that day when a group of Slytherin girls walked by. Ophelia could feel her ears burning when she heard them whispering about her.

"She can't even carry her own books," One of the girls whispered softly to her friends.

"How sad," Another chimed in, "Do you think her arm will ever go back to normal?"

"What if it doesn't heal properly and she's stuck with a bum arm for the rest of her life," A third girl gasped, "How awful! Can you imagine!"

Ophelia's whole face turned red as the girls left, continuing to walk down the hall whispering to each other. Draco noticed how upset she looked and stopped turning to face her.

"Darling are you alright? What is it? What's wrong?"

"You know what! I am perfectly capable of carrying my own books! I'm not an invalid!" Ophelia clumsily snapped snatching her things from his arms and stormed off.

Draco stood there kind of stunned as he watched her walk off, muttering to herself. He new that she was struggling but he was unsure of how to help. He wasn't the best at showing affection or talking about emotions so he decided the best thing to do would be to give her some space. He sighed heavily as he headed back to his dorm.

Ophelia stormed into the Gryffindor common room with a look on her face that could kill. Startling the twins who were sitting on the floor trying to come up with a new prank.

"Stupid fucking twats," Ophelia was muttering to herself, "I'd like to punch them in their stupid fucking faces!"

George raised and eyebrow at Fred and Fred shrugged. He stood up and cautiously walked over to her.

"Hey El, you need a hand? Sounds like you've had a bad day."

"NO I CAN DO IT MYSELF!" Ophelia shouted.

As soon as the words had left her lips she froze, kind of shocked at herself. She hadn't meant to snap at him but all of the frustration from over the last week had just boiled over from her run in with the Slytherin girls in the hall. She bit her lip and sighed before looking up at Fred.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you Fred I didn't mean it."

Fred just shrugged it off, leaning against the armrest of the nearest couch, "It's no big deal."

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