The Sorting Hat

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Ophelia could feel her heart beating in her chest. And she looked up at her Godfather who simply nodded at her encouragingly. She took a deep breath and slowly stepped into the room and made her way to the front, where a chair was set up with a very strange looking hat. A very wise old man was waiting for her with a woman who she could only assume was another professor. When she reached the front of the room he simply smiled down at her, took her hand and shook it warmly.

"Albus Dumbledore my dear. Welcome to Hogwarts. We've heard so much about you."

"T-thank you Sir."

The woman also reached down to shake her hand, "Minerva McGonagall, Ms. Ophelia, a pleasure to meet you dear. If you wouldn't mind stepping this way and sitting right here."

Professor McGonagall removed the hat from the chair and motioned for her to sit. She did so fidgeting with her shirt sleeves anxiously. She looked to her right and could see her Godfather standing by one of the long outstretched tables.

He mouthed the word, "Breathe."

She took another deep breath to steady herself. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Malfoy sitting at the table her Godfather was standing by. He gave her a small crooked smile. She smiled meekly back.

Professor McGonagall spoke, "As most of you know. The Sorting Hat ceremony is done at the beginning of the first year. However, since Ms. Kingsley is joining the third years she still needs a proper house. So without further ado!"

She gently placed the hat on top of Ophelia's head. And she nearly jumped out of her seat when the hat spoke.

"A Kingsley aye? How curious. Haven't seen one of you around in years. But where to put you is the real question. Your mother was in Gryffindor. Your father however was in Ravenclaw. Hmmm very hard indeed."

All eyes were on her and she could almost feel the room holding their breath as they awaited an answer.

"Hmmm. You'd do well in Hufflepuff or Slytherin as well. But where would you flourish? Ah yes, I know. Better be GRYFFINDOR!"

The room erupted in cheers and Ophelia let out a deep sigh. Professor McGonagall smiled and shook her hand once again, "Congratulations my dear! You may take a seat at the table over there."

She smiled at the professor, "Thank you."

She walked over to the table the professor had motioned to and stopped hesitantly. She had forgotten that she didn't know anyone here yet and therefore had no friends. A girl with wild curly hair was motioning her over. She smiled thankfully and sat down beside her.

"Hello! I'm Hermione Granger! I can't believe you're a real Kingsley! I've read all about your family line. They're one of the few pure blooded Wizard families left aren't they?"

Ophelia blushed slightly, "I-I suppose they are."

"How fascinating! You know there aren't many pure bloods left!"

They were interrupted when a red headed boy sitting next to them cleared his throat, "Aren't you going to introduce us Hermione?"

Hermione chuckled, "Right my apologies!"

She turned to Ophelia and motioned to the two boys sitting across from her, "Ophelia this is Ronald Weasley, and Harry Potter."

The red headed boy smiled at her and reached out to shake her hand, "It's just Ron. And it's a pleasure."

She took his hand, "Nice to meet you."

She turned to the other boy with dark black hair and glasses, "So you must be the famous Mr. Potter then. I've heard all about you."

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