Bonding And A Shopping Trip

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Ophelia practically floated out of bed the next day. Hermione giggled as she watched Ophelia hum to herself and dance around the room in her nightgown.

"Well someone's in an exceptionally good mood today," Hermione said smiling.

Ophelia beamed, "Why wouldn't I be? All of our classes are canceled and we get to take dance lessons instead! And soon I'll be going to my very first ball! Oh Hermione, I almost forgot! My godfather is taking me into town later today. You absolutely have to come shopping with me and pick out our dresses for the ball! It'll be my treat! Oh please say you'll come!"

"Oh Ophelia," Hermione gasped, "Do you really mean it?"

Ophelia nodded and plopped down on Hermione's bed, taking her hands in her own.

"Of course I mean it silly! You're the closest thing I've got to a sister! I wouldn't dream of asking anyone else!"

Hermione threw her arms around Ophelia happily, "I'd absolutely love to!"

Ophelia laughed hugging her friend back, "Oh I'm so glad! It would have been dreadfully boring if it was just me and Godfather."

Hermione pulled away and laughed, "Can you imagine? Snape shopping for dresses?"

The girls laughed together as they hurried to get dress and meet the boys downstairs in the common room. Ophelia quickly threw her hair up in a ponytail and Hermione studied her.

"You know you really should wear your hair down more often," Hermione said, "Your curls look so much prettier that way."

"You think so," Ophelia asked turning towards her, "I never really know what to do with it, and I've never really had the time to play with it. So I just wear it up most of the time."

"We can test out a few hairstyles later this week if you'd like," Hermione offered.

"I'd love that! Thanks Hermione!"

The boys and the twins were already downstairs chatting amongst themselves when the girls arrived.

"Took you long enough," George said cheekily, "What were you doing up there? Braiding each others hair?"

Hermione laughed and rolled her eyes, "Oh shove off George!"

Fred approached Ophelia and taking her hand, he twirled her around, causing her to giggle.

"And how's my little dance partner today," He said, "Ready for another lesson?"

"Only if you promise you won't let me embarrass myself infront of the whole class."

He grinned at her and stepped closer, putting his arm against the wall and leaning in towards her, "Oh darling I wouldn't dream of letting that happen."

Ron groaned and rolled his eyes. Hermione laughed and Harry turned bright red.

"Oi," George said teasingly, "Get a room you two!"

Ophelia peered over Fred to look at George, "The only time we'd get a room together is to plan a prank to get you back for that comment!"

George roared with laughter and Fred clutched his heart, pretending to be offended. He stumbled back a few steps.

"Ophelia I'm hurt," He said, "I thought you liked me!"

Ophelia rolled her eyes at the dramatic performance, "I do like you Fred. But as a friend you twit!"

Fred laughed and leaned back against the couch crossing his arms.

"I'll take it. For now at least," He said winking at her.

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