A Mysterious Letter

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The boys were waiting in the common room with Fred and George when Hermione and Ophelia joined them the next morning.

"Good morning girls," Harry greeted them.

"Sleep alright," Ron asked.

Ophelia laughed, "Yes we did thank you. Hermione fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow!"

Hermione giggled, "I did!"

George nodded at Ophelia, "You feeling alright then?"

"We heard you had a nasty fall yesterday," Fred chimed in.

"Oh I'm alright," she replied, "Never better. It takes a lot more then that to scare me off."

They all laughed together.

"Shall we go to the dining hall then," Ron said, "I'm starving!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "You're always hungry Ron."

Harry laughed, "He's got a bottomless pit instead of a stomach."

"Hey," Ron said indignantly, "It's not my fault! I'm a growing boy!"

Ophelia laughed, "I am feeling a bit hungry myself."

Ron smiled at her.

"I'll bet you Cedric will be waiting for you Ophelia," Hermione said batting her eyelashes at her playfully.

Ophelia threw a pillow at her, which she dodged laughing.

"What's this all about then," Fred asked curiously.

Ophelia chased Hermione around the common room as she laughed and called out, "Cedric's the one who knocked her off her broom yesterday. He felt just awful about it and bought her loads of sweets to make up for it! And I think he's sweet on her!"

Ophelia stopped and put her hands on her hips, scolding her playfully, "Hermione Granger!!!"

Hermione just laughed.

"Ooooooooooo," George said.

"El's got herself a little boyfriend," Fred said teasingly.

She crossed her arms, "I do not! I came to Hogwarts to learn. Not to get into meaningless relationships."

The boys laughed. Hermione sat on a couch and motioned for Ophelia to join her, "Oh come on! I think you both would make a sweet couple!"

She sat next to Hermione, "Absolutely not!"

"Don't tell me you've never had a boyfriend before," George asked raising his eyebrows.

"George," Ron said, "That's none of your business!"

Ophelia blushed and smiled slightly, "I did...once.."

"What was his name then," George said.


"Well what happened," Fred asked curiously.

She looked at the floor and gave a small sad smile, " I was naïve. I thought I loved him....and he broke my heart..."

The room went silent for a minute and Hermione wrapped her arm around Ophelia comfortingly. Ron broke the silence.

"Well then! Can we please go eat now? I'm starving!"

Ophelia burst out laughing and pretty soon they were all laughing.

"Right then," Ophelia said standing up, "Let's go get something to eat before Ron's stomach eats itself."


Cedric was standing just outside of the dining hall as the lot of them were walking down the corridor. He gave them a smile and a wave. Hermione waved back.

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