The Astronomy Tower

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Ophelia waited until she was sure Hermione was sleeping before tiptoeing downstairs and peeking to make sure there was no one in the common room. As soon as she was outside she practically flew to the astronomy tower. Her stomach was doing flips. When she reached the steps to the tower she pulled out her wand.

"Lumos," She whispered and her wand cast a small glow.

The last thing she wanted was to trip and embarrass herself in front of him. She could just picture him laughing at her. Ophelia silently crept up the stairs to the astronomy tower.
Draco was standing by the balcony looking out into the night sky. He turned and smiled when he saw her.

"Took you long enough! Come here. You have to see this."

She walked over to where he was standing and gasped. The night sky was positively lit up with stars. Glowing and twinkling down at them.

"It's absolutely breathtaking!"

She looked at him and gave him one of her dazzling smiles that made her dimples poke out and her eyes twinkle. His stomach fluttered. He cleared his throat, quickly looking away and leaned on the railing. Trying to ignore how close she was to him. He started to point out the constellations to her and she watched in absolutely awe. His hand accidentally brushed hers on the railing and she blushed furiously, hoping that he hadn't noticed. He took her hand suddenly and intertwining his fingers with hers stuck her hand in his pocket.

"Draco what-"

"Don't make a big deal out of it. Your hand was cold. It wouldn't kill you to wear a pair of gloves."

"Well you're not wearing any either," she protested.

"Shut up," He replied.

She smiled, "Ok."

He walked over to a stone pillar and sat on the ground practically dragging her down with him, since her hand was still firmly placed in his pocket. The pair sat in silence for a while more, just staring at the stars contently. She hadn't even realized that she had begun to doze off until she realized her head was resting on something. Ophelia opened her eyes sleepily coming to find that her head was resting on Draco's shoulder. She jumped to her feet suddenly startling him.

"Fuck!" Draco said rushing to his feet, "What's wrong?"

"I-I just. Nothing. Nothing's wrong."

"Well jeez woman don't scare me like that!"

She started to giggle and then her giggle turned into a full blown laugh.

"Shhhhhhhhh you're going to get us caught? What's so bloody funny?"

She tried to cover her mouth with her hands to stifle her laughter and just shook her head. He took a few steps forward until he was standing in front of her and placed two fingers under her chin, making her look him in the eyes.

"Out with it then," He demanded.

She giggled softly, "It's just. Your face was priceless."

He rolled his eyes, "Yes absolutely hilarious."

Draco started walking and motioned for her to follow him, "Come on. It's late. We should head back."

She pouted and his heart nearly burst out of his chest at the sight of it.

"Do we have to? It's just so peaceful here."

"Well unless you fancy sleeping on the cold floor, then yes."

She sighed, "Fine."

"We'll come back again soon. Promise."

She smiled and followed him to the stairs. He held out his hand to her and she took it. Allowing him to lead her down the stairs. He walked her back to her dorm, hand and hand, and only released her when she was standing in front of the painting that concealed the entrance.

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