Study Buddies

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Ophelia and Draco had been studying together in the library after school for almost two weeks now. She wasn't really sure how exactly it had become their normal routine. It sort of just happened. He hadn't once mentioned the incident that had happened in the library that first day, and for that she was grateful. But at the same time she was a little worried that it changed the way he viewed her. Ophelia chewed on her bottom lip absentmindedly. She didn't want him to think that she was weak. She was startled out of her thoughts when he flicked her arm suddenly.

"Ouch! What was that for," She asked rubbing her arm.

"Ophelia I've been talking to you for the last three minutes and you haven't been paying attention at all!"

"Oops," Ophelia said smiling sheepishly, "Sorry. I can't concentrate though. We've been at this for hours!"

"Give me twenty more minutes," He said scribbling furiously.

"Can't we take a break? Pleaseeeeee?"

He looked up at her. She had her hands clasped and she was giving him puppy dog eyes. How in the fuck was he supposed to say no to her when she was looking at him like that!?!?

He quickly looked away, heart pounding, "In a little bit. I promise."

She tugged on his sleeve, "Come on! Just for five minutes?"


"Ten minutes?"


"Fifteen minutes then."

Draco laughed and looked back at her, "You know you really are terrible at this whole debating thing."

"Ok, ok, final offer," Ophelia said her eyes twinkling, "We take a twenty minute break, grab some snacks, go for a short walk, and then come back."

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "Alright fine. If it'll stop your nagging."

Ophelia squealed happily and practically dragged him out of the door. He was grateful that she didn't see the blush that crept up onto his cheeks.

After snagging some apples the pair of them began to walk into the yard and Draco matched his stride with hers. He climbed up into one of the trees in the courtyard and motioned for her to do the same. She just stared up at him.

"If you think I'm getting up there in that tree with you Draco Malfoy you're crazy," She said shaking her head.

He laughed, "Don't tell me you've never climbed a tree before?"

She huffed, "I have too! It's just. It's been a while."

He leaned down and held out his hand, "Come on then. I'll help you."

She reached up and grabbed his hand and he yanked her up. She landed right in his lap. Draco looked almost as surprised as she was, and he had to grab onto a branch for support so the pair of them didn't go tumbling over.

He cleared his throat and gently moved her off of his lap, sitting her beside him, "Right then. See? It's not so bad."

She looked around the courtyard. They could see a few students walking and chatting with each other, but other then that it was mostly deserted. Draco chuckled suddenly and she turned to look at him.


He just shook his head and continued to laugh.

"What then?"

"You-you have a leaf in your hair."

She patted her hair frantically trying to get it out.

"Here stay still or you'll fall out of the bloody tree! Let me," He said leaning forward and gently removing it, "There."

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