After Party

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Ophelia was sitting on a bench just outside the ballroom after the ball had ended rubbing her feet. Draco was inside the hall, trying to find her shoes which she had discarded at some point during the night and had accidentally misplaced. Fred and George came around the corner with some of their friends. Fred grinned when he saw her and jogged over, crouching at her feet.

"Hey Twinkle Toes how you holding up," He asked.

Ophelia laughed putting her feet back on the ground gingerly, "I'll give it to you, for my first ball you all definitely gave me a run for my money. I must have danced every single dance I know at least twelve times over."

Fred chuckled lightly and then grinned mischievously, "Still have some energy left in ya or are you too tired for the after party?"

She raised an eyebrow, "There's an after party?"

George had also wandered over and he laughed, "There's always an after party. But it's a secret so keep it hush hush. We wouldn't want the professors finding out now would we?"

Ophelia rolled her eyes, "No because I'm totally going to go run my mouth to Dumbledore and ruin all the fun. Where is it going to be?"

Draco had walked over at that point with her shoes in hand. He shoved past Fred glaring at him and sat down next to her.

"It's in The Room of Requirement," Draco said pulling her into her lap.

She blushed slightly as he wrapped his arms possessively around her waist. Fred frowned slightly but then turned his attention back to Ophelia.

"We're all going to go back to our dorms to change and then meet up there in an hour," He said completely ignoring Draco and talking directly to her, "So are you coming?"

"Yeah come on El say you'll go," George chimed in, "It won't be nearly as fun without you!"

Ophelia looked up at Draco with a pleading look on her face. She was too cute to resist and they didn't have class the next day so he agreed.

He shrugged his shoulders looking down at her, "It's up to you Darling. If you're feeling up to it we can go."

Ophelia had a huge smile on her face and she kissed his jaw, "Thank you handsome!"

He blushed slightly but tried to hide it. Fred rolled his eyes and George just laughed.

Ophelia turned back to the twins, "We'll see you there then."

The twins waved and walked off and as soon as they did Draco turned her face to him and kissed her softly and then buried his head in her neck, just holding her there for a moment. She wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes and stroking his hair.

"Everything alright Darling," She whispered softly.

He nodded into her neck but she could feel his hesitation.

"I'm only going to ask you one more time."

He sighed and buried his face closer to her skin, "I just hate the idea that someone else could take you away from me at any moment."

Ophelia pulled away so that he had to look at her. She was staring at him like he was crazy. She held up the back of her hand to his forehead.

"Draco are you feeling alright because you're talking utter nonsense!"

He pulled her hand away from his face but kept it securely in his, "I'm being serious. I know so many boys who would kill to be in my place right now. What if one day you decide that-"

Ophelia quickly cut him off by covering his mouth with her hand, "That's quite enough of that. I want to be with you Draco Malfoy. You. Not anyone else. I fell in love with you! The sooner you get that through your big head the better!"

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