The Party By The Black Lake

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Ophelia was getting ready for the Hufflepuff party with Hermione back in their dorm. Hermione noticed that Ophelia was in an even better mood then usual. Practically buzzing about the room as Hermione tried to help her find something to wear. Hermione of course had already been dressed for ages. She had been ready hours before it was anywhere near time to leave. She had picked out a cute goldish top wear that brought out her eyes, and had borrowed a pair of black leggings and matching black flats from Ophelia.

"Haven't you decided what you're going to wear yet," Hermione asked, plopping down on Ophelia's bed.

Ophelia was looking through her dresser and pulled out a pair of black leggings and a cute white knitted crop top. She held it out for Hermione to inspect.

"What do you think?"

Hermione nodded in approval, "I think it's perfect!"

Ophelia quickly changed, threw on a pair of pearl earrings, and pulled her hair up, yet again.

"You really should wear your hair down more often El," Hermione said studying her, "Your natural hair is actually quite pretty! I don't know what you're so insecure about."

Ophelia allowed her hair to fall down and studied herself in the mirror before smiling softly, "You know what? I think you're right."

The girls finished getting ready and joined the boys down in the common room.

Harry smiled up at them when the entered the room, "Ready?"

The girls nodded.

"We'll be taking one of the back exits so there's less of a chance of being caught," George said, "But we'll still have careful. Remember that Filch still patrols the area at night, the last thing we want is to be caught."

Ophelia zipped her lips and pretend to throw away the key, "Don't worry. We'll be as silent as a mouse."

As soon as the words had left her lips Fred came practically tumbling down the stairs. They all looked at him in surprise and he just grinned back at them sheepishly.

"Sorry. Forgot something," He shrugged casually, "I'm all set now though!"

Ron rolled his eyes, "So much for being as silent as a mouse."

They all giggled but quickly pulled themselves together when George motioned for them to be quite. He led them cautiously down the hallways and out into the courtyard . The successfully made it to the black lake and Fred and George led them to a weeping willow tree and parted it's long hanging branches. Underneath the tree a small tent was pitched. Ophelia looked up at Fred and shook her head in confusion.

"I don't understand Freddie. This is where the party is meant to be," She asked.

Fred chuckled, "Yes indeed Little Miss."

Ophelia shook her head, "I don't understand."

There was a soft chuckle from behind them and a tall, well built boy, with silky, brown hair and honey brown eyes stepped into the little clearing under the tree. When he spoke Ophelia noticed that he had a very thick Scottish accent.

"It's an enchanted tent. The inside is ten times bigger than the outside," The boy said with a friendly smile in her direction.

"I swear I will never be surprised at the things magic is capable of doing ever again," Ophelia said with a giggle.

Fred and George greeted the boy warmly.

"There you are Oliver," George said slapping him on the shoulder.

"Started to think you weren't going to show up," Fred said ruffling his hair with a smirk.

"I was just going over a new plan for quidditch practice tomorrow and got a little carried away," Oliver explained sheepishly, "It's a great plan though! I came up with some new strategies that I really think will help us improve greatly!"

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