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It had been a few days since Fred, Draco, and Ophelia had made up and so far things had been going smoothly. There were no other arguments between the two groups and the boys themselves had been on their best behaviors. Draco and Ophelia had started their study sessions in the library after classes again and their stolen moments together at night in the astronomy tower.

Fred had recently been recruiting Ophelia to help with pranks that him and George had been working on. The three of them were giggling like a pack of bandits and running through the halls on a early Saturday morning after successfully pulling of a prank on Filch. Ophelia went to turn the corner quickly and didn't hear the twins calling out for her to stop, when she ran right smack into someone very solid and the two of them went tumbling down. Ophelia looked down to find herself sitting on top of a very bright red Cedric Diggory. Fred and George howled with laughter. Ophelia blushed furiously and climbed off of him as quickly as she could.

"Cedric I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there! Are you alright," Ophelia asked helping him to his feet.

Cedric chuckled and brushed his pants off, "A little flustered I'll admit but other then that I'm perfectly fine. We really have to stop meeting like this! Next time we bump into each other it's my turn to sweep you off your feet, deal?"

Ophelia giggled and Cedric smiled down at her charmingly.

George and Fred pulled themselves together suddenly with just enough time to go flying by Cedric and Ophelia.

"Filch," Fred hissed as he flew by.

"Meet us back at the safe space," George called out as they ran off to distract Filch so that she could get away.

Without thinking Ophelia grabbed Cedric's hand and took off down the hall.

"Sorry Ced no time to explain you just got to trust me," Ophelia said practically dragging Cedric along behind her.

Cedric, who was taken very much by surprised just shook his head and laughed while he ran after her.

"Am I allowed to ask where we're going, " Cedric asked as they dashed into the courtyard.

"Quidditch field," Ophelia replied, letting go of his hand and slowing her pace once she was sure they were out of sight.

"Why the quidditch field," Cedric asked raising an eyebrow as he absentmindedly slowed his pace to match hers.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure I should be telling you trade secrets," Ophelia said teasingly, trying to hide a smile.

"Aw come on Ophelia," Cedric said batting his eyelashes playfully, "We're friends aren't we?"

Ophelia giggled, "Fine, if you really must know. You see the twins and I have kind of figured out that the quidditch field is the spot that Filch visits the least. So we've made it our designated 'safe space.' Whenever we think we're in danger of being caught we normally split up and then meet up back at the field."

Cedric chuckled half to himself and shook his head, "So you do things like this often?"

Ophelia shrugged, "As often as the twins allow. Sometimes they pull pranks with Lee, and other times they go off to pull pranks by themselves. But whenever they offer for me to join I always take them up on it."

They had reached the quidditch field by now and Ophelia led Cedric to a spot under the bleachers that was completely covered and out of view of the school. There was an old plaid blanket set out on the ground and some basic cushions. Ophelia plopped down casually, much to Cedric's surprised.

Ophelia patted a spot on the blanket, "Make yourself comfortable for now. The twins will be back soon and as soon as they give the word that the coast is clear you're free to go!"

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