Fainting Spells And Hospital Visits

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Ophelia was euphoric that she and Draco had made up. They stood together in the astronomy tower until the sun started to set, just holding each other. Draco couldn't believe how much he had missed her warm presence as he gently stroked her hair and hummed softly. Ophelia nuzzled closer to his chest, cherishing the feeling of his strong arms around her. Draco finally sighed and cupped her chin, pressing a soft kiss to her lips before reluctantly pulling away.

"We should head back darling."

Ophelia pouted, "Do we have to?"

"Now don't you start giving me that face Princess."

She gave him puppy eyes and it took everything in him not to cave in and just give her what she wanted. Draco sighed before pulling himself together.

"It's getting late beautiful and your friends have already been worried about you. Let's not worry them more yeah?"

Ophelia sighed and nodded, taking his outstretched hand as he led her towards the stairs. All of a sudden she began to feel extremely dizzy and she stopped, causing him to turn around.

"Why'd you-" He stopped mid sentence when he noticed how pale she had become, "Shit! Ophelia are you ok?"

She put a hand to her head as the room began to spin and she stumbled back a few steps clumsily.

"Draco...I think-"

She didn't even get to finish her sentence before the room started to get blurry and her eyes rolled back. Her knees gave out on her and she fell but Draco caught her in his arms before she hit the ground, scooping her up like a baby.

"Shit! Ophelia? No no no no no! Come on wake up! You're going to be alright."

Draco quickly rushed her to the hospital wing as fast as he could. Madam Pomfrey looked up in surprise as he burst in carrying a very limp Ophelia in his arms and quickly helped him get her into a bed.

"What happened! Another broomstick accident?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"No! I-I don't know what happened! She was perfectly fine and then she just fainted!"

"Alright well now don't fret. I'll see to it that she's taken care of."

That didn't stop Draco from worrying however and he rushed around frantically trying to get things that he thought Madam Pomfrey might need.

"Mr. Malfoy if you really want to help your friend then I suggest you sit down and stop fluttering about. She just had a mild fainting spell. I believe it was caused by fatigue and dehydration. She's going to be just fine though."

Draco was stunned. Fatigue? Dehydration? Had the dispute between them really upset her that much? He pulled up a chair next to her bed and sadly gazed at her pale figure. He felt like an idiot for not realizing sooner. She had dark circles under her eyes and her normally rosy cheeks where white as snow.  Draco took her hand in his pressing a soft kiss onto her skin.

"Come on darling, you have to wake up for me," Draco murmured quietly rubbing his thumb over her hand, "Everything is going to be alright. I'm right here. I'm going to take care of you. I promise."

***Warning the following includes content that may be triggering for some viewers***

Ophelia's eyes slowly fluttered open a few hours later. She looked around confused. This was definitely not the astronomy tower. She was in the hospital wing? But how? She looked over and saw Draco. He was sitting in a chair, holding her hand, but his head was resting on her lap and his eyes were closed. Had he brought her here? She smiled softly and pulled her hand away, gently brushing his hair out of his face. Draco's eyes snapped open immediately and he sat up quickly.

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