Your Fault

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I'm ecstatic to be back at school. Spring break felt like three months when it was really just a week. With everything going on, time feels distorted more than ever. It must be even worse for Link. Every day is pretty much the same for him; the same room, same view, same food, and the same draining questions. He must be excited to go home soon.

I only have one class left today and a thirty-minute break to kill until then. I could go to the library and get some work done but the weather is so beautiful today that I decide to spend my break outside to read a book in the healthy company of vitamin D. 

I step outside into the soft unclouded blue of air. I find a quiet spot in the shade and take a seat on one of the stone benches outside the science building.

A couple of pages in, somebody suddenly speaks to me. "Must be a captivating book."

I snap my head at him. "Pik!" I scold with a pounding heart.

"Sorry, did I startle you?" He chuckles.

"How long have you been sitting there?"

"A perfect day. Start to finish. When nothing terrible or sad or ordinary happens. Do you think it's possible?" he recites a line from my book. A line I passed two pages ago.

"It's rude to read what somebody else is reading," I haughtily remark.

"It's rude not to address your friend with a welcoming smile when they take a seat next to you," he counters.

"I didn't notice you."

Clasping his chest, he gasps. "Even worse!" He sighs, "But..." and pushes his hair back, "I suppose I can forgive you."

"I didn't apologize though," I tease him.

"Ouch! What an atrocity!"

"Your pain is my pleasure," I shrug with a puckish grin.

"Then I shall suffer till the end of time," he merrily declares. "Why are you in such a good mood today?"

"I am?"

"It appears that way."

"So what if I am? What is wrong with that?"

"Nothing at all. It's incredibly nice to see your smile. Especially after everything that happened. How was your break?"

I fold the book shut and turn to face him. "Terrible, sad, and far from ordinary."

"So, not perfect."

"Not quite."

"How's Link? I heard he woke up from his coma."

"He is doing okay. Better than expected."

"Is he coming back to school soon?"

"Not at all. He's not going to finish the semester. He has to go through a lot of physical therapy to regain muscles in his back and legs. His balance is off too, so it's as if he has to learn how to walk again."

"That must be tough."

"Yes but Link is so strong, I have faith he will master this challenge."

"I meant it must be tough for you. Seeing him like that."

"It took some getting used to, yes. But personally, I think I'm handling it alright. If it weren't for those vexing paparazzi. They are still trying to get me to talk to them about the baseball game and Link's diagnosis."

"They can be a pain in the ass. Just ignore them."

"That's what I've been doing."

Pik pulls his lip piercing between his teeth and rests his arms on his knees. "Is it true that he lost his memories?"

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