Second Choice

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Revali's POV

I glance over toward the bar to see what's taking so long. The beer's right there on the counter, but Link and Mipha seem to be engaged in a serious conversation. I can't hear their words, but their body language speaks volumes.

Mipha's head is loweder and her eyes betray a sense of guilt. Link, on the other hand, looks puzzled. Perhaps worried. The sight of them triggers a twinge of suspicion in me.

As much as I try to ignore it, I've always had reservations about Mipha's feelings toward him. She's never been as open with me as she is with him, and moments like these make me wonder if I'm just a placeholder for the hero of her childhood.

When Link leans into her, my fists automatically clench. Whatever it is they're talking about, he clearly doesn't want us to hear it. And that's a red flag.

What could they be discussing that's causing Mipha to look so conflicted? Looks like she's about to say something to him. I sharpen my attention, trying to read her lips.

Impa pokes my cheek, breaking my focus. "Hey birdbrain! Where's your happy button?"

"My what?" I swat her hand away.

"There's gotta be a setting on you that'll put'ya in a f'stive mood!" she guffaws, swaying slightly back and forth. She tries poking my nose but I dodge the assault.

"His default setting is killjoy," Zelda giggles next to Impa.

"Guess it's up to us to keep the party going!" Impa puts her arm around Zelda and pulls her so close that their cheeks are pressed against each other. She begins to make up something a deaf person might consider lyrics. Most of it is so slurred that it doesn't even matter what she's saying because it doesn't go along with the Christmas music anyway.

No more beer for her.

I shift my focus back to Link and Mipha while Impa cuddles up to Zelda, her voice louder than necessary.

"Pik shoul've come w'th us! He would've LOV'D the vibe!"

"I agree. It's a shame Malice and Pik had to stay at the lodge," Zelda replies.

"Woah I was only t'lking 'bout Pik. Nott Malice!"

"I know. But I think she could use a night out. Though a bar might not be the right place for that. I wouldn't want her to get tempted to drink alcohol."

"You care toooo much about her," Impa lets out an annoying chuckle. "Malice's gonna BREAK your heart!" she says, breaking one of the soggy paperboard coasters for dramatic effect.

"What do you mean?" Zelda laughs.

"You wooorry 'bout her aaaall the time, take caaare of her, sleeeeep with her..."

"Only because I don't want anyone to catch her in one of the guest bedrooms."

"Yeah, but she'll NEVER appreciate what you've done for her."

"I don't expect anything in return," Zelda replies, her voice maintaining its light-hearted tone.

"Yeah 'cause you're toooo naive!" Impa continues. "Don't waste your time and energy on—on someone who doesn't return that kinda eff'rt. You'll just end up gettin' disappoint'd." Impa pulls away from Zelda, bumping into me at least four times in the process. "I think you treat her waaaay too good. You know what I mean? Like... don't be surpris'd if she dodn't reciprocate all that." Impa picks up the empty glass of beer in an attempt to get one last sip out of it. "J'st don't get too close to her. That's my only advice."

I blend their banter out, pretending they're sitting at a different booth, far away from me.

Mipha and Link are still standing close together. Mipha is the one talking for the most part. Link nods thoughtfully. His brows crease and he nervously rubs his neck. He says something to her and she shakes her head. This can't be good.

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