You and Me, No Lovers

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Impa and I arrive at Vah Rudania just as the sun is setting behind the palm trees that border the parking lot. Before we head inside, I open Pik's chat on my phone. We haven't talked much this summer and while I was in Japan I promised myself to check in on him once I'm back in California.

"Hey Pik! How are you?" I ask in a voice message and quickly hit send because Impa is dragging me into the restaurant in hasty steps.

"I'm starving!" she groans, pulling the doors open.

The second we step into Vah Rudania, the delightful aromas of Japanese cuisine fill my nose and make me forget that I didn't want to come here tonight. I would have rather stayed home with Link and rested, but it's Friday night and Impa would have held an intervention if I canceled our Friday night dinner after being gone for the whole summer.

"See?" She lays her arm around my shoulders and flashes a bright smile at me. "I told you this would cheer you up!"

"I wasn't in need of cheering," I say, feeling pretty neutral.

"Oh please," she laughs. "All you've been thinking about is the lawsuit."

It's true. The lawsuit has indeed been bugging my mind but I try my best not to think about it too much. Father said Link and I have nothing to do with it, so I will act accordingly and pretend that I am not dying to see if Karusa is going to get his punishment after all.

Impa and I proceed to the bar where Daruk is serving sushi to his customers. We try to find two open seats but the place is bustling tonight! My eyes wander along the bar stools until they land on two very familiar faces! Mipha and Revali are sitting by themselves with a couple of empty seats next to them.

I'm surprised to see them here, and so is Revali, though he doesn't look as excited about it as me when his eyes spot me in the crowd. Impa and I claim the empty seats next to the lovely couple and despite the laughter and conversations that fill the bar with noise, I can still hear Revali's exaggerated sigh.

"What are you doing here, Princess?" He snarls when Impa and I claim the stools next to him.

Mipha turns her head and a smile pops up on her small, round face. "Hey there!" She greets us with a merry ring to her voice. It's like yin and yang right in front of me. How did these two end up dating? I suppose opposites really do attract.

"Good evening Mipha, how have you been?" I say, looking past Revali's frown.

"Splendid," Mipha chirps. "We are actually celebrating our 100-day anniversary today!"

"100 days, huh," Impa nods impressed, and, with both brows raised, aims her eyes at Revali. "I wonder which one of you has been counting. My money is on you, Ravioli."

"It's Revali," he huffs.

"Didn't deny it," Impa boasts. Then she leans close to my ear to whisper, "I'll make a great lawyer one day."

I ignored her and put on a smile. "Congratulations you guys! That's really great, I hope we're not intruding."

"Not at all," Mipha says before Revali gets the chance to disagree. I wonder how many days Link and I have been dating. Does the time that passed while he was in a coma count? If so, it's been more or less 6 months. With flushed cheeks, Mipha adds, "We chose Vah Rudania because this is where we met for the first time!"

"Oh! That's true," I say with a grin. "You were here with Link and bumped into Revali!"

"Speaking of which," Revali picks up his beer and tilts his head just enough to give me the side eye. "Where's your silent escort tonight?"

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