A Smile on Revali's Sour Face

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I follow Impa's car until she takes a left into a parking lot by the beach. I park next to her and Revali parks intentionally far away, leaving at least 5 empty spots between our cars.

As I approach the bar with Impa, I'm struck by the vibrant energy that surrounds the place. The sky is dark now and from the outside I can see neon lights illuminating the sign, casting a colorful glow on the pathway leading inside.

The sound of laughter and chatter spills out onto the street, and I can feel the bass of the music reverberating through the walls. The lively atmosphere makes it clear that this bar is indeed a hotspot for college students and younger crowds.

No turning back now.

Impa is visibly excited that I'm here with her, which eases some of my doubts. I just hope we won't get in trouble for being here.

Revali and Mipha have caught up with us. He has his hands buried in the pockets of his shorts, letting everyone know that he is too cool to be here. Mipha snakes her arms around one of his, and although he is fairly good at hiding it, I can see how it affects his mood because his frown turns into something that, although I wouldn't call it a smile quite yet, does no longer emit dark clouds of annoyance.

As we step inside, the first thing that hits me is the warm, salty breeze coming from the nearby beach. It mingles with the scent of salty snacks, beer, and sunscreen, creating an interesting and peculiar blend. The interior is dimly lit, with strings of fairy lights crisscrossing the ceiling, casting a soft, enchanting glow that adds to the atmosphere.

The walls are adorned with graffiti-style murals and photographs of past performances and guests. The wooden floor beneath my feet feels slightly worn, a testament to the countless dancers who've moved to the rhythm of the music. The bar itself is bustling with bartenders skillfully mixing drinks and patrons raising their glasses in celebration.

The stage is at the far end of the bar, and as I glance in that direction, I catch a glimpse of my friend's familiar face. Pik's eyes aimed at the crowd, I wonder how much he is able to see and if he would ever be able to spot me from the far back.

"Look, it's Pik!" Impa shouts through the loud music.

"I can see that," I shout back.

"He's good! I like his music!"

She bobs her head as we move closer. Pik has taken over the stage with an undeniable presence that demands attention. Despite his blindness, he exudes a confident aura, owning the spotlight effortlessly. And his voice... his voice is something truly remarkable. It's the kind of voice that reaches deep into your soul and stirs up emotions you didn't know you had.

This is so different from the song he sang to me in the auditorium last year. It was just him and the piano, and although I had heard that song a million times before, the emotion that flowed through the air alongside his melodies gave new meanings to the lyrics.

The song he is playing tonight is more alive, more vivid. It's everything his illness has taken from him. Or tried to take, because the lyrics tell us that he is fighting to get back what has been taken from him. With an electric guitar in hand and a drummer in the back, he sings for the crowd:

I put on mismatched socks, it's my style, you see!
Walked out the door, hair all wild and free,
I tripped on a pebble, but I played it cool,
Cause life's too short to follow every rule!

The room is alive with the sound of conversation, laughter, and the occasional shout-out to friends across the room. I admit, there's a part of me that feels a bit out of place in this lively setting, but as I see the happiness in Impa's eyes and the enthusiasm of the crowd, my initial reservations start to fade away. I take a deep breath, trying to soak in the moment and embrace this new experience.

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