The Crying of Lot 49

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Having arrived at the luxury hotel, I slip into my formal attire and get out of my car. Thanks to LA traffic, I'm 15 minutes late when I enter the building. My heels click on the marble floor as I hurry across the empty lobby.

When I show my invitation to the man outside the door, he bids me to mute my phone before entering the auction. I send a quick message to Link, asking if everything is going alright, then I mute my phone and try to enter the room as quietly as possible so none of the other guests notice my entry.

The charity auction is in full swing, and I feel like a small fish in a very extravagant pond. A lavish chandelier hangs from the high ceiling, crowning a sea of elegantly dressed individuals, each dripping in opulence. The whole room has a sophisticated ambiance, adorned with elegant decor and accompanied by live music.

All this feels a tad strange to me, despite having spent a great portion of my childhood attending formal events like this. Ever since I started college, I suppose I have been too busy to accompany Father to these fancy gatherings, or spent my time at very informal environments, like frat parties, dates, and the beach. I got used to those settings and almost detached myself from high-class social events. I think I like those informal settings more than this, but at least I'm familiar with this right here and know how to navigate it confidently.

I try to find Father in a room of rich fabrics and sparkling jewels. As I pass by some people, I am acutely aware of the eyes that undoubtedly follow my every move. Eventually, somebody addressed me. "Zelda, darling!" A girl in a fancy dress greets me with an overly dramatized expression of excitement. I have no idea who she is but it comes as no surprise that she recognized me; being the daughter of one of the state's most affluent individuals. My father likely knows each person in this room on a first-name basis. The girl points at herself, and says, "Mila." Who? "We met at cotillion when we were kids."

"Oh! Mila! Of course," I say, still not remembering her whatsoever. Probably because I hated cotillion. "How have you been?"

"SO good! And you?"


"Ah–It's SO good to see you!" she says with an obvious fake smile. "We should definitely get together soon."

"Soon," I nod, no intention of meeting her again. I know girls like her. Arrogant and spoiled, always seeking to climb the ladder of riches. I'm just another blank face in her network of influential family connections.

I let my eyes roam the room, hoping to find Father in the crowd.

"Aren't you dating that athlete?" Mila interrupts my search.

"Link?" I look at her. "Yes."

"Is he here?"

"Unfortunately, no."

"Bummer! I would have loved to meet him!"

So it's not my father's connection she's after, it's my boyfriend's.

"Bummer indeed," I give her the same fake smile she's giving me and quickly move along.

As I pass by the guests, I catch snippets of a conversation. "Have you had your eye on anything specific in tonight's art auction?" A guest asks another.

"The pieces are all stunning," the other guest answers, "but that Yuga caught my attention. The bidding war is fierce though. I heard someone flew in just for that painting."

"Well, it's no surprise. Yuga's work is rare to come by, especially in an event like this."

I bet Pik would love to see the art.

Finally, amidst the jungle of tailored suits and glittering gowns, I spot Father in conversation with another noble man.

He notices me approaching, his smile turning stiff as if trying really hard not to look disappointed.

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