Do It Again

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(Hey guys! This is one of those rare times that I'm uploading from my phone, I hope the spacing and typos aren't too bad in this chapter.

I'm nactually in the hospital at the moment BUT I said I was going to upload on Wednesdays and Saturdays so I'll always try to keep that promise ❤️ love you guys and hope you have a good weekend! -Ace

PS: don't worry about me, I'm taken care of by some very attractive doctors hahaha and this is definitely the meds talking hahah)


After dinner, I sit outside on the patio sofa with a fleece blanket wrapped around my body as I wait for Father and Link to finish their business meeting. Just the thought of them together in one room, alone, taking about business is strange.

It's a new moon, so the sky is visually in an utter absence of celestial bodies. I've been a little anxious ever since they disappeared into Father's study. I wonder how it's going. Right now I'm just trying to keep my mind distracted by staring at the flames in the fire pit in front of me, a perfect luminal contract to the black sky. I like the crackling noise of the fire in combination with the chirping of crickets. Somehow it calms me.

"Hey," Link's voice startled me and my head turns to the glass door behind me. He walks up to the sofa and stops right in front of me.

"How'd it go?" I ask quietly.

"We made the payment for tuition so I'm definitely all set for next semester. Then he explained some of the stuff I'll have to do while I'm in Japan."

"Which is?"

I open the blanket, offering him to take a seat next to me. When he does, I lower the blanket onto his shoulder.

"Translating stuff mainly. It's really simple stuff and he said the hours aren't too bad. I can do a lot of it from home, which means we'll still be able to spend a ton of time together."

"Oh Link, that sounds fantastic!"

"Yeah. Today was a really good day."

"I agree. I really didn't expect it to go the way it did."

I'm relieved that this issue was resolved pretty quickly. But... this whole situation made me realize that... At some point... Link will leave. Does our relationship have a countdown? What will happen to us once he graduates?

With one arm around my waist, Link scoots closer and leans his head against mine. "This is really nice."

It really is. I wish this moment could last forever.

"Would you like to stay the night?" I ask abashedly.

"Wouldn't your dad mind?"

"I don't think he'd even notice."

"We should at least ask and make sure he doesn't mind. Don't want to risk him changing his mind about the job."

"There is a lock on my door. So he would have to knock before entering my room. And if he knocks, which rarely ever happens, you can just hide in the closet."

"Sounds a bit too much like one of those unrealistic teen romance movies you girls gush over. Want me to climb through the window too and sing a song about love at first sight?"

"I wouldn't mind," I jest.

He turns his head over his shoulder to look up at my window. "It's a bit high to climb up there."

"I thought you did parkour."

"Umm... Yeah, but that doesn't make me spiderman."

"Excuses, excuses," I shake my head, pretending to be deeply disappointed.

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