Taking a Life

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(Just a friendly reminder that I uploaded an extra chapter on Thursday, so if you missed the announcement, I advise you go back and read "Consent." Also I'm currently on a road trip and had to upload this from my phone, I hope the formatting and spacing look okay! I apologize for any typos! Xx Ace)

Link's POV

It's past 1 and there's no sign of Karusa. I'm sitting on my parked bike, watching the cliffside trail from a close distance. I refresh the chat on Zelda's phone. Karusa read the message. He never replied.

I guess I should be relieved that he didn't show up. It means that even if Zelda did try to meet up with him, he wouldn't have come.

I spoke too soon. A silver car pulls up and the scum I've been waiting for gets out. He looks left and right before getting on the trail.

I get off my bike and follow the asshole who molested Zelda and tried to end my career.

On any other day I'd be admiring the Pacific Ocean view, but this is not the time for sightseeing. The waves crashing against the rocks below is a harsh reminder why I chose this trail. Besides the fact that it's a fairly private spot, the 400 ft cliff is supposed to prevent us from getting into a fight. Because if we start fighting, one of us, or both of us, might end up dead in the water.

The trail is uneven and rocky, bushes and sticks crowding the way. Zelda would love the wildflowers that grow here, but Zelda is not the one meeting Karusa. I am. And there he is waiting, lighting a cigarette. Idiot. One tiny spark could catch the grass and the whole land could burn down in flames. A perfect metaphor for how I feel about this whole situation right now. 

Karusa's POV

Rocks and water, the whole Instagram-worthy thing. Wind's howling, and the waves are doing their thing, a background track to the mess I'm dealing with. The Palos Verdes cliffside trail might be all zen for some folks, but right now, it's like a damn obstacle course to my sanity.
While I'm waiting, I close my eyes and smoke a cig. I still feel hungover. Suddenly I hear a familiar voice.

"Karusa," he says and I can't help but scoff. I don't believe my own goddamn eyes. I search the trail behind him, half-expecting to see Zelda trailing along. "She's not here."

"Yeah, I can see that. Thanks." I casually flick the ash from my cig, not about to let him get under my skin. "How have you been? I see you're walking again," I take an obvious look at his leg and poke the bear. "I thought for sure your knee wouldn't heal after that nasty break in February."

Link glares at me, making me want to smirk even harder. He set this whole thing up at this dramatic spot for a reason, and I know it ain't for the killer view. I can feel the tension in the air. The cliffs themselves are a warning. One wrong step could send everything straight off the edge.

"Are you just gonna stare at me or is there something you need?" I ask annoyed. I should've just stayed at the dorms.

"I came for answers."

He tries so hard to sound intimidating but it just makes me laugh at him. "What's the matter, Link? Couldn't hack it as an athlete so you thought you'd try your hand at playing detective?" I taunt sarcastically.

Watching Link get all frustrated and butthurt makes it worth coming here. I like to see how good he is at holding back his anger. The answer is: not very.

"Come on, hero, say something. Shit, I forgot," I slap my forehead. "You don't talk to strangers."

I thought that would get him to talk but he stays silent, and I grow impatient. What the hell is it he wants from me? Is he pissed that I texted his girlfriend?

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