Bus Stop

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AHHHH GUYSS!!! I GOT A 100 ON ALL MY FINALS 😭 HOW!!! I feel like I'm Zelda lol jk I think it's literally thanks to all of you who believed in me hahaha so thank you!! ❤️ I hope everyone's finals went well, for those who are in school. But let's not think of school pfft it's time to enjoy the holidays with a new chapter! 

I'll post another one tomorrow as a little Christmas gift 😇🎄🎁 SO STAY TUNED OKAY?? :D


Malice's POV

Zelda's driveway is like half a mile long. Palm trees line the way and the whole property is enclosed by tall hedges like a castle in a Disney movie. The sun is in my eyes and the cobblestone road is bumpy, giving me a headache and nausea.

Zelda's security guard opens the fancy gate for us when we reach the end of her gigantic property.

Zelda makes me duck until we pass the gate. She says her staff can't see me. She says it so casually as if we all have people in uniform working for us. I'm surprised she doesn't have a personal chauffeur taking her to school. Or maybe she does, but he's not allowed to see me either.

"Are you up for this?" Zelda asks me for the third time this morning.

I shrug.

"I can drop you off at your friend's house if you're still too ill to attend classes."

"Just drop me off at the nearest bus stop," I tell her.

"The bus stop? Why? I told you I can give you a ride. Just tell me the address."

"I don't have an address," I say.

"Then how do you know where to go?"

"You're smart. You can figure it out."

She stays quiet for a moment to think. "You have no idea where you're going, do you?"

"South," I say. "I'm going south."

"Like San Diego?"

"Like Mexico."

"You're fleeing the country?" Zelda asks in shock. "What about school?"

I lean my head against the cold glass and shut my eyes. "I dropped out."

Zelda gasps, "Dropped out?! You can't drop out!"

"I sure can."


"Ganondorf was the one paying for my tuition," I say. "And even if I had the money to pay for school myself, I can't risk showing my face in public. HU is probably the first place he'll look."

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the police?" She asks.

"I told you a million times already! Ganondorf has connections to the pigs. He'll find me if I go there."

"So what's your plan?"

"I have some family in Mexico. I'll probably just stay with them for a while until I figure out my next move."


"Zelda shut up!" I interrupt her aggressively. "All your questions are giving me a migraine! I really don't feel like discussing my life, got it?"

"Got it..."

The rest of the drive is spent in silence. Zelda doesn't say another word, she doesn't even play the radio.

„Hey, you just passed a bus stop," I say but she keeps driving. "I told you to let me out at the next bus stop."

"It wasn't very clean."

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