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Having changed into Pik's band t-shirt, we stroll along the sidewalk, now looking for somebody who needs Pik's tips more than he does.

I keep a close eye on our surroundings, but the late hour renders the streets deserted, the only noise being the distant laughter from the bar and the calming sound of ocean waves at the dark shore. And the soft tapping of Pik's cane.

We pass a small family owned convenience store with a sign that reads "OPEN 24 HOURS", but even so, not a person in sight. I keep looking.

As we continue down the road, away from the bar, I tell Pik about my trip to Japan. When I get to the end, he comments, "You make Japan sound so dreamy."

"This might sound weird, but I feel like a different person coming back."

"Sounds about right," he says. "I can tell something is different about you."

"Is that... a bad thing?" I ask hesitantly.

"You're your own judge, Zelda. Just be sure of three things: feeling like yourself, being content with who you are, and making decisions aligned with your beliefs. If all of that checks out, then I think it's a great thing."

I will take note of his wisdom. I do feel like myself, and although I'm still working on actually liking myself, I try to make decisions that will eventually lead to that.

"What about you?" I ask. "Anything new since we last spoke?"

"Well, there is this," he presents his cane to me. "Let's see what else..." he takes a moment to ponder. "Netflix gave my part to somebody else after they found out about my condition, which is understandable. I would be lying though if I said I wasn't disappointed when I found out."

"I'm sorry that happened to you. It's not fair..."

"Bad news are always accompanied by good news," he says. "Hyrule University was really supportive when I confessed to them and even asked if I needed any accommodations or if there is anything they can do to make it easier on my part."

"That is fantastic, Pik! When will you be starting your new position?"

"I already have! But it's mainly just been preparations and training. My first actual class starts Monday. I'm very much looking forward to that. Will you sign up for one of my courses?" He gives me a playful grin and I laugh.

"I'm not a music major."

"So? I'm sure you need a humanities course for your major. Music counts! Or take it as an elective."

Taking a class with Pik as a teacher does sound like fun. I'm already taking 5 courses this semester, but having taken years of piano lessons as a kid, it wouldn't add much work to my schedule if I enrolled in Piano 101 or Music Appreciation. Not to sound lazy, but it would be an easy A and I could get one more course out of the way.

"Okay, why not," I decide.

"Wait, really?"


"Wow, I didn't actually expect you to say yes so easily," he laughs.

"I told you. Tonight I'm breaking out of my shell!"

"You really are. And you sound happier than ever," Pik notes.

"You sound pretty happy too." I bite my tongue, too late to stop myself from saying those words. No matter how happy he may seem on the outside, I'm sure losing his sight has been painful...

I take a long look at Pik, whose eyes are aimed straight ahead at nothing. These past months have been challenging for him, and although he has this positive attitude, I understand that it's not always easy to be happy for everyone else. The weight of his recent struggles, from losing his sight and the role to adapting to a new lifestyle, is not lost on me. 

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