Just the Two of Us

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"Excuse me?" I remove Revali's hand from my shoulder and turn around to face him.

"They've been arguing all day and all night and—and I can't take it anymore!"

"Who?" I demand to know.

"Anju and Kafei!" He snaps as if I was supposed to know what he's talking about. "She locked herself in his room and started tossing his things out of the window. And he's been yelling at her from the backyard. I want to shoot them both. And myself. I literally can't go home with them bickering like that! You're a girl, go talk to Anju!"

"What? Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I know what to do about it. If they're having a fight, they'll figure it out themselves."

"But they aren't! And I'm sick of their childish fight. Just come to the frat house and talk to them!"

"Revali," I gasp and place my hands on my waist. My mood is increasingly vexed. "Link just got out of the hospital an hour ago, which you haven't even acknowledged yet, and you want me to spend the evening talking to your roommates just so you can have a peaceful night? I haven't spent time with Link in over a month!"

"What are you talking about? You've practically been living at the hospital with him." At a loss for words, I just stare at him with my mouth agape. "For all the times you selfishly asked me to do you a favor, let me be selfish for once. You owe me this much."

"At least every time I asked you for a favor I used the word please!"

"You've gotta be kidding me," Revali shakes his head in annoyance and bumps his shoulder into mine as he passes us. "Just forget it."

I huff and turn my back on him. Who does he think he is? Not even a "hello" or "wow, you're out of the hospital, good for you". Sometimes I wonder if Revali has a twin. Then there would be a good twin and an evil twin. The good one holds Link's hand and shares a bed with his friends during desperate times, the evil one throws fists and borderline guilt trips his friends to do things.

"Let's go to the frat house," Link says, his eyes following Revali.

"No way. Not after the way he talked to me."

"You're Anju's friend, maybe it would help if she could talk to you."

"Anju and Kafei are old enough to figure this out themselves. She has my number. She could call me if she really wanted to talk to me."

"Yes but..." He takes his eyes away from Revali and looks at me. "You haven't known Ravioli for as long as I have. The fact that he came up to you and asked you for help is big."

"He didn't ask. He ordered."

"Same thing when it comes to him."

"So you think he really cares about Anju and Kafei's relationship? I think he just wants a quiet house and couldn't care less about them."

"I think he misses you and finally found a good excuse to ask you to come over."

"Don't make me laugh."

"Let's just stop by the house. I can drop off some of my things and grab my knee brace, and you can try talking to Anju. We'll go to your house right after."

"And we'll spend the rest of the evening alone? Just the two of us?"

"Yes, we can even turn off our phones so no one will bother us."

"Okay, fine. But no promises that I can help them with their disagreement."

We head back to the car in silence. It feels like for the first time post-coma, the Link I knew returned. I can't explain it... the moment he remembered his career, something inside of him flipped the switch. Anyone else might not even have noticed the change, but every fiber of me could feel that this piece of memory was the missing piece of what makes Link who he is. I wonder if our relationship, I mean the moment we became official, has a similar significance. Or if it doesn't matter at all. Maybe he will never recover those memories. And maybe that's okay.

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