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I open the door but step aside to let Link enter first.

"Do you remember this room?" When he nods, I walk over to my nightstand where my mother's flower is glowing in the dark corner. Link takes a seat on my bed and leans back on his elbows.

"Hey, you still got my soccer ball," he notes, having spotted it sitting on my shelf.

"Yes and don't expect it back any time soon." It feels incredible to know that Link remembers my room and little things like the soccer ball. Excited, I show him the potted plant. "Do you remember this flower?"

"Yeah. It freaked me out when I saw it for the first time because I didn't know plants could glow."

"Yes, I remember the face you made that day," I giggle. "I'm glad you remember it. Seems like your memory has almost made a full recovery."

He doesn't look like a stranger to himself or others anymore. He may not like the burden of his celebrity, but I prefer this Link over the carefree, extroverted version of him. Not because I don't like seeing him happy, but because I believe all our battles shape us. The fact that he always kept going and chose everyone else over himself are few of the many reasons I fell for him.

I am positive that I wouldn't be the same if I didn't remember my struggles at home, the pressure Father and society put on me, or how hard I've worked for my goals. What is a scar when you can't remember how you got it?

Now that Link remembers, I can help him with his burdens. No matter the hardships, I will be there with him and lift him up the way he always did me.

"When I moved in with you last year, I was in such a rush to leave this house that I left the flower behind. The gardener took care of it for the time being but... When I returned home, the flower was dying. I tried saving it, but after a few weeks without improvement, I began losing hope. The day you woke up from your coma, the flower started to heal. And today it is blooming for the first time since my return. It's likely a coincidence but I can't help but think that the flower is mirroring us."

Link holds out his hand and pulls me onto the bed. His cheeks are flushed. He gazes at my eyes, his hand holding mine.

"Thanks for waiting for me while I was in a coma and being patient with me throughout the memory loss thing," he whispers.

"I'd wait an entire century if it brought me back to your arms."

I turn my head away from him, too shy to utter the words my heart so desperately wants me to say. He brings his hand to my cheek, gently guides my face back toward him, and kisses me. I'm taken aback by his sudden act of affection. I thought after escaping his lips earlier, he wouldn't try to kiss me again. I'm glad I was wrong.

I close my eyes and embrace his kiss. When he leans back to pull me on top of him my mind feels at ease. Every fiber of my soul treasures his silent endearment as my fingers trace his jawline. I'm so happy right now! I can't believe it took this long. Why was I holding back?

I can sense his undeniable love for me. I wonder... Can he feel it too? Perhaps those three overrated words don't have to be spoken for someone to feel loved. Maybe he already knows how much I care about him...

I cup his cheeks and break our kiss, only because I can't hold back my giant grin. No space between us and yet I want him closer. Link gives a peck on my cheek, then he smoothly flips us over and plants another kiss on the other cheek. The way he looks at me makes me fall in love with him all over again.

"You're beautiful, Zelda."

I look up at his bright blue eyes with nothing but adoration for him. Words could never express how deeply I've fallen for him.

Never Without You │ BOTW modern AU fanficWhere stories live. Discover now