No Means No

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Zelda's POV

"I did not!" I gasp, eyes wide and frozen by the overbearing embarrassment. I can't believe I French kissed Link last night! Although I do very faintly remember being awfully attracted to him and craving his affection.

"It gets worse," Link chuckles.

His cheeks are flushed and he is doing that head-scratching gesture again. If he gets flustered just thinking about it, it must be something truly humiliating! It's a good thing we are already sitting, otherwise I might faint.

"You took off your top," he says.

I pick up one of his pillows and hide my face behind it! "I didn't!" I squeak! He's lying, he must be!

"You did. You wanted to wear my shirt and didn't mind changing in front of me." So that's why I woke up wearing his t-shirt.

"I'm mortified!"

"It gets worse."

"How much worse can it get?!"

"You..." he begins but pauses. I look past the pillow to read his expression. He's struggling to find the words. Oh no. What did I do?

"Just say it," I bid in a strangled whisper.

"You wanted to... um... you kinda..."

"I wanted to what?"

"To..." I'm one step closer to perishing with every second he hesitates. "I guess you wanted to sleep with me?"

I think I just flatlined. Uncontrolled laughter tumbles from my lips and I don't know if it's actually funny or if I'm just trying to mask how truly embarrassed I am. "Sleep with you as in... in... as in intercourse?" He nods, lips pressed into a thin line. "No."

"Mh... Yes."



"No..." My laughter dwindles and my brows furrow in shock. "No... No no no no–" That explains the missing bra and pants! Oh for the love of the goddesses!

"We didn't do anything."

"What?" I throw the pillow at his head. "You could have opened with that line!"

"My bad," he laughs. "Nothing happened. You passed out so fast after that. Oh and Malice called me baby earlier that night but I swear nothing happened between her and me, she was just in a weird mood. But yeah. Now you're all caught up."

My mind can't focus on Malice right now. There is no way I asked him to sleep with me! "You probably misunderstood the whole situation," I claim.

"I don't know, pretty sure she was hitting on me to get to you."

"Not the Malice situation! I'm talking about us. Last night..."

"Oh. Um... I mean, who knows what really went through your head last night but you did say you want to do more than just kiss."

"That doesn't mean anything! There are thousands of other things that can be done besides kissing. I may have been referring to... er... hugging, or something completely unrelated. Maybe I was hungry and wanted to eat a snack."

"I'm sure you did," he smirks. I lightly smack his arm and scowl at him. "Hey, don't look at me like that. Facts don't lie," he laughs, shielding his body from more attacks.

"Facts that are blown out of proportion do."

He puts his hand on my shoulder and sympathetically tilts his head. "Denial is the first step." I roll my eyes at him. Unexpectedly, he kisses my cheek and gives me a comforting smile. "It was really cute."

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