Tell Me Everything's Fine

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Link's POV

It's nice to have the frat house all to myself but I'm bored out of my mind. Already worked out today but I think I overestimated what my body can handle so I ended up taking some meds. Now I'm just laying in bed with nothing to do. The painkillers made me kinda tired. Man, I just want to be able to run and lift weights again...

I should get up before I pass out. I walk downstairs to grab the mail. This only proves how bored I am, I never get the mail. Neither do the others honestly. And then the mailbox fills up to the point where there's no more space and the mailman has to literally deliver our mail to the porch.

I empty the mailbox and almost drop half of it on my way back inside. Other than fanmail, there's only one letter addressed to me. I leave the rest of the mail on the dining table and open the envelope with my name. It's from HU.

"Dear Link Miyamoto,

It is with deep regret that we are informing you of your termination from the kinesiology program at Hyrule University due to recent transgressions on campus."

Wait what?

"The decision has been made by the board of members. The behavior you displayed at the events of February 22nd is not tolerated by the institution."

There's more bullshit but my brain's not able to process any of it. What the hell? Termination? I knew I was suspended from baseball for the rest of the season but... what the hell is this? Am I getting kicked out of school?


I call Zelda. She might be in class right now but I call anyway. When she doesn't pick up, I call again. Maybe she's at the library and has her phone on mute.

Oh shit, please answer, I'm kinda freaking out over here.

God damnit. Where is she? I thought the fact that the police dropped charges meant I was off the hook! There's no way I'm losing my scholarship over some fight I don't even remember!

I don't waste a second. I grab my keys and leave the house. I have to find Zelda. If I'm getting kicked out I can't afford to transfer. Which means I'll lose my visa and have to leave the US! There's no way that's gonna happen. No way!

I don't even know where to look first. I search the library but she's not there. I want to go to the science building next but while I pass the auditorium I remember how she's been hanging out with Pik lately, so maybe she'll be there.

I walk into the auditorium before I consider that the theater kids might be rehearsing. But the lights are off and the stage is empty. I guess I'll go to the science building then. Wait, I hear music coming from the back. Could be her! Slim chance but I have to check. Best case it's Pik and he can tell me where she is.

I walk backstage and around some props and theater stuff until I find out where the music is coming from. It's some dude playing that handheld piano thing. Accordion is what it's called, I think. He stops playing when he notices me.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt," I say and turn around.

"Not a problem, I'm on break anyway."

I don't really feel like talking to strangers right now but what choice do I have? I turn back towards him. "Do you know Pik by any chance?"

"He's my teacher, yes."

"Do you know where he is? I'm looking for my girlfriend and he might be with her."

"You're Link, aren't you?" I nod. "I'm Kass, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Zelda and Pik were here not too long ago."

"Any idea where they went?"

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