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Zelda's POV

Link hasn't said anything or made eye contact with me since we left the pool area and I'm starting to get worried. Why did he call me so many times and why is he here? I'm scared to ask but the anticipation is killing me all the same.

Aimlessly, we walk down the hallway. I'm just sort of following him, he is probably heading for the main exit.

"I got a letter from the school," Link finally says and stops walking. I nearly bump into him. He's still not looking at me but at least he's talking. "I need you to read it and maybe explain what it means."

"Oh. Okay, I can do that," I say confused. "Is that why you called?"

"Yeah sorry I was freaking out."

That doesn't sound good. "Wait, did you drive all the way to campus for me?"


"How did you know I'd be at the pool?"

"I asked Pik..."

Here I was thinking he came for Mipha. "So, did you bring the letter?"

Link reaches into his pocket and reveals a small, folded piece of paper. He hands it to me like that, still not looking at me. Does he want me to read it here? In the middle of the vestibule of the sports building? I look around; at least we are alone.

I open the letter with eight folds. It looks like an ordinary college letter but once my eyes find the first line beneath the salutation this letter becomes anything but ordinary.

"Termination?" I whisper as my eyes dash over the words.

"Am I getting expelled?" Link asks, shame laced into his words.

"Over my dead body you are," I hiss and clutch the letter with such force that the paper crumbles in my firm grip. "It says there will be a disciplinary hearing where you can defend yourself by explaining your point of view."

"I can't even remember the fight... how could I defend myself?"

"I don't think you have to worry about that... Link, did you read the whole letter?"

"I did. Kinda. I don't know if I understand what it means."

"Your hearing was last week. You didn't attend?"

"I didn't know about it till today! Nobody ever checks the mail!" He claws his hair and aims his eyes at the floor. "I'm fucked!"

I can't believe it. This is unacceptable! Link has suffered so much this year, now this? Father better have a good explanation!

My heart is racing. I know myself well enough by now to recognize that my anger is really just hiding how scared I am. Expulsion... I can't believe it. This letter can't be real! Link has worked so hard to be here, I will not allow Father to expel him!

I drag Link across campus despite his objections. He follows in hasty steps, telling me over and over how he doesn't want to cause a scene, but stoic, I storm into the building anyway. And I'm not leaving until Father confirms that Link can continue his studies at Hyrule University.

"Zelda please stop—" Link pleads a final time as we reach the anteroom to my Father's office. I charge past the secretary, making her jump.

"Goodness, Zelda, dear! You scared me half to death," she squeaks and rests her hand on her heart. She gives me a soft giggle as she fixes her glasses.

I want to cuss his name! I want to kick his door down with my foot! I want to take his coffee and empty it all over his desk!

Instead, I take a deep breath, step forward, and knock on his door.

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