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I should unsend it right now. But won't he see the notification anyway? What if he's like me and nobody ever texts him on Instagram? He will know that it was me!

What time is it in California?

8:15 A.M.

Is he up? Or is he still asleep?

What should I do?

Back out or be courageous?

Courageous?? This isn't courage! This is recklessness!

I look at Link sleeping soundly next to me on the floor. I'm nauseous. Why do I feel like I betrayed him? I'm not trying to go behind his back here! Or am I? I am, aren't I? Should I wake him and tell him?



He'll be mad. He'll yell at me. Or he won't talk to me at all, maybe he'll just give me the silent treatment. No, not him. He'd talk to me. Which is worse. Because he'll ask why I did it.

Why did I do it?

What do I get out of this?

I want to stop wondering what Karusa's deal is. I want to know his plan. I want to outsmart him. I want to beat him at his own game. I want to see him crumble. I want him to suffer the way I did. I want to see him in pain, I want him to need my help, to need me! Just so I can walk away and leave him in pieces like he did with me.

I look back at Link. I don't want to keep secrets. I don't want to lie. But I don't want to tell him about this either. Not right after the fight we had earlier. I'm so scared of losing him.

He is already agitated due to his career, job, body, and... me. I don't want to add more stress where it doesn't need to be.

My eyes return to my phone. I turn down the brightness, terrified of waking Link. What should I do now? Delete my message? Keep it a secret? Tell Link? Well that makes no sense at all. He'd probably just tell me to delete it and block Karusa once and for all. Maybe he won't trust me anymore. Maybe he'll see it as a red flag. So it's between deleting the message and keeping it secret.

Shoot... I didn't think this through. And I'm still not thinking this through!

I texted Karusa with a purpose. If I chicken out now, I'm still not moving forward in life. Question is... What's the worst thing that can happen now? He replies? And then what? He will either apologize or try to threaten me. The first one is rather unlikely. So he's trying to hurt me. But he can't. Not while I'm in Japan. Unless he knows I'm here and somehow it's his plan to–no, no Zelda he has no way of knowing we're here. And even if he tries to hurt me in any way, I will have real proof of his actions.

Now I almost hope he will send harmful messages just so I have the upper hand.

I take a screenshot of the little bit of "conversation" we have so far and put my phone down. By the time I wake up he will have responded. I can wait that long to figure out what to do next.

✤ ✤ ✤

Link's POV


Man, I wish nights were longer.

I look to my right. Zelda's so pretty when she's asleep.

I sit up, tempted to give her a kiss but I don't wanna wake her up. She hasn't been sleeping much lately, so I should let her sleep in for once.

She fell asleep with her phone in hand. I remove it slowly. What a cutie.

The screen turns on and it tries to read my face but I can't unlock her phone. Not pretty enough I guess hehe.

Never Without You │ BOTW modern AU fanficWhere stories live. Discover now