A Good Day

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I so rarely eat breakfast in the company of Father that it feels like a special occasion each time. Or a punishment. Fortunately, today it's neither. We are just having breakfast together as any ordinary family would. Without any hidden intentions or plans. Well... Almost. I need to find a way to bring up golf.

We are sitting at the large table outside. The maid set the table with two plates, two sets of silverware, two glasses of orange juice, and two napkins, yet she somehow managed to present food for eight people. How are we supposed to finish all of this? I see every kind of fruit, from pineapple and strawberries to kiwi, bananas, and blueberries. Four plates of pastry and freshly baked croissants, and two pans with scrambled eggs and bacon. What a waste.

"How did you sleep?" Father asks across the table. Here comes the usual small talk, mandatory for social gatherings.

"I slept fine, thanks. I was exhausted after the wedding and fell asleep right away."

"Did you have a good time last night?"

"Yes. The wedding was delightful. Link was wearing a suit, I think you would have enjoyed seeing it."

"Judging by the tint of your cheeks, it's safe to say you liked it much more than I would have," he returns with a smug smile. Who is this man?!

"Father!" I scold, trying not to blush any further.

"I apologize," he returns with a calm smile.

So far he seems to be in an incredible mood. I still feel awkward when he tries to make jokes but I truly appreciate his efforts of being more laid-back around me.

"What about you? Did you have a good day yesterday?"

"I had one very unpleasant phone call," he sighs. "But two very pleasant ones, so I mustn't complain. I may be able to sell another property on the east coast."

"Oh! That sounds great!"

"More promising news: my most recent stock investment has doubled over the past week. I have faith it has continued growing over the weekend. But I won't know until tomorrow morning."

"Sounds like you had a positive ending to a very busy week!" I note, still waiting for an opportunity to bring up golf. Looking at the fated city in the distance below, an idea pops into my head. "The weather is balmy today. Not a cloud in the sky and nearly a complete absence of wind. Quite fitting for golfing, wouldn't you agree?"


"Speaking of which. I was wondering if... Are you still planning on going to the club today?"

"I am."

"Could I come along?"

"I thought you weren't very fond of golf."

"Well... I'm... I'm not not fond of it. It's just that... Since Link is still in rehab, it is one of the few sports that wouldn't strain his body as much. I thought it would be a good activity for the two of us. Perhaps it will benefit his recovery."

"Would you like me to invite him as well?"

"If you don't mind, I'm sure he'd like to tag along."

"Very well," he says with a quick raise of his brows. "I suppose I can bring you two along."

"Cool, thanks!" I chirp. I didn't expect him to agree so quickly! Wait, why is he giving me a criticizing look now?

"What? What did I do?"

"Don't say cool. It's slang."

"Actually, every dictionary will define it as low temperature. Just pretend I was referring to the eggs being cool," I try to joke but our relationship is clearly not ready for friendly bickering. I falter beneath his serious stare. "I won't say cool again," I nod, lips pressed together.

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