Another Smiley Face on the Glass

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Link's POV

Just as I'm about to leave Zelda's house, the front door opens and Zelda walks in.

"Goodness, Link!" She gasps, surprised to find me standing in the foyer. "You startled me!"


I'm so glad she made it home safe. I take in her appearance to make sure she's not hurt. No injuries, but she's wearing a guy's shirt, her hair is crazy messy, and her makeup is smudged all over her face as if she's been crying.

"Were you waiting for me?" She asks, sounding out of breath.

"Yeah, where have you been? It's like 2 in the morning, are you okay?"

"I went to a bar with Impa, Revali, and Mipha," she tells me super casually.

"A bar? I didn't know you were going to drink tonight. Did you drive?"

"I only had two drinks," she says and I don't know if I can believe that. The smell of beer and smoke on her is strong. "I need your help with something. Can you come with me please?"

"Right now? Can we talk first? I've been kinda worried about you."

"I'm sorry for worrying you," she says. "I didn't know I was going to be out this late. And Impa took my phone, so I didn't have a way of reaching you. But I can tell you more about that later, I really need you to come with me right now."

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"My car," she says, pulling me by my wrist. The fresh air is like splashing cold water in my face. I didn't mean to pass out on her bed earlier. I had a wild dream though, I think it ended with some robot spider dude shooting laser beams at me. Sounds like a fever dream. It's fading the more I try to remember it.

I'm still confused about the whole guy's shirt and messy hair thing. I'll ask her about that later. At least she's not hurt or anything. I wish she didn't drink and drive though.

When we get to her car, I look for scratches and dents. Maybe she crashed her car or hit something? But her car looks fine, the same as when she left.

"What do you need help with?" I ask her.

She opens the door to the backseats. I stand back, unsure what to expect.

I spot two feet laying on the backseat. I know it couldn't be Impa because she's with Kiroh, and I know it's not Ravioli because those are some really skinny girl legs.

Curious, I get closer to see if it's Mipha, but it's not. It's a total stranger. A reeking stranger that needs to practice some personal hygiene.

"Did you run her over?" I ask Zelda. It's obviously meant as a joke but if she says yes, I don't know how to react.

"No, I found her in an alley."

"Please tell me she's alive."

"Yes, but she's completely knocked out. We tried to wake her up but she wouldn't."


"Pik and I."

Hearing his name is so unexpected. "What were you doing with Pik?" I ask.

"We were catching up."

"At 2 in the morning?" I try not to sound jealous or angry but come on, I thought we talked about being more open with each other. "Was hanging out with him tonight part of your plan?"

"No, I didn't know any of this was going to happen tonight. Pik invited all of us to the bar where he was performing live. I probably wouldn't have gone if Impa hadn't convinced me. And if I would have known beforehand, I would have told you, I promise."

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