Can't Always Get What You Want

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Zelda's POV

Impa leaves the bar to chase after Kiroh the way I used to chase after Link every time I yelled at him. Hopefully I've learned a thing or two in the past year and can prevent Impa from making similar mistakes.

I look over to the booth. Revali and Mipha are back to holding hands over the table, and this time nobody will interrupt them. It's best if I keep my distance so they can finally enjoy their 100 days anniversary in private.

It must be around 11 P.M. now but I'm not ready to go home yet. I dance to Pik's music, something I would have never done before in public, and I even hum along. I don't usually sing in front of others, but who knows, maybe if I knew the lyrics I would have sung out loud tonight.

Even though Impa left and I'm by myself now, I don't feel lonely at all. It feels like everyone in the room is here with me, and that's an incredible feeling. I don't know any of these people, but we all share this memory.

Time passes and every once in a while I look over to the booth to see if Revali is looking back at me. I wonder what he wanted to tell me, and if it's still on his mind. His eyes are mainly aimed at Mipha, and when he finally does look at me too, I wave at him from the distance, letting him know that I'm still here for him if he needs me.

I'm caught off guard when he uses his phone to snap a photo of me. It's a bit unusual but I smile for the camera because tonight I'm not hiding from making memories. Revali returns his attention to Mipha, not looking at me again. I wish we didn't get interrupted earlier when he tried to tell me his confession. I am left with so many questions.

He said he wanted–no–needed to talk about his relationship, and that he thinks he made a mistake with Mipha. But how terrible could his mistake have been if it led to them eying each other with so much love and affection?

At first I thought he was going to tell me he betrayed her, but I can't imagine he would do that to her. For as long as I've known him, he hasn't expressed an interest in any other girl but her. Is it possible that he was trying to tell me that he doesn't have feelings for her anymore and that the mistake he made was asking her out?

But if that's the case, why talk to me about it? Unless I had something to do with it...

Inventing a million different theories won't get me far. I will find out eventually, assuming Revali will ever talk to me again after spilling a drink on him.

I squeeze past some people to get closer to the stage and clear my mind with Pik's lyrics. He's the reason I came here but I haven't paid much attention to him all night, and even if I did, he can't even see me. I could have left with Impa for all he knows.

But surprisingly, I don't find myself wanting to leave. I'm by myself, at a bar, on a Friday night, with a drink in my hand, dancing and laughing and cheering. I take a sip from my drink and am surprised by how much I like the cold Piña Colada on my tongue! Its velvety texture is a perfect balance of creamy coconut, sweet and tangy pineapple, and a hint of alcohol.

For the first time, I'm actually enjoying a party. It's an odd feeling. I feel grown up. Not the business deal, suit-up, filing tax forms kind of grown up. More like the experienced, laid-back, social anti-wall-flower kind of grown up.

I feel matured, that's it. 

Okay, I will admit that blurting out that Kiroh is a Boar wasn't the most mature thing to do in that situation, but I wasn't going to risk Impa getting hurt. I care way too much about her safety and well-being to put off telling her the truth. It's better to be honest and deal with the truth afterward than to hide the truth and deal with the secrets and lies.

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