Game of Doors

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Zelda's POV

"Please enjoy the remainder of your evening," Ramses says, taking a small step away from me. "Both you and your partner."

I nod appreciatively and walk back to Link. He doesn't look too happy about all this. He opens his mouth, ready to protest, but I'm quick to embrace him with a tender kiss before he can utter his complaints.

He doesn't refuse, though he's certainly surprised. That is clear by the way he backs away before kissing me back.

"Everything is okay," I tell him before he has a chance to point out how uncomfortable that dance was for him. "Ramses and I are on the same page. We don't share any affection for each other."

"Oh," Link nods. "Okay. Good."

"Are you okay?" I ask, cupping his cheek. His mask makes his blue eyes more vibrant as he looks at me with contemplation.

"Yeah, I think so. It's just... I don't know... It looked like that Penne guy was hitting on you but for his son. That's just really weird..."

"I'm sorry about all this. It appears that Ramses' parents and my father have been playing matchmaking."

"Your dad is in on this?" Link asks disappointed.

"Don't worry, Link. I will communicate to him that you are the one and only man in my life, and that it is not right of him to sabotage our relationship."

Link looks a bit hurt, but he recovers quickly. "Let's not worry about your dad tonight. Come on," he extends his hand, "let's have some fun."

With a bright smile, I take his hand and follow him into the crowd, but he doesn't stop to dance. Instead, he leads me out of the ballroom and up the grand staircase.

"Where are we going?" I ask.


"I can see that. But why?"

"To find an empty room."

I stop, having reached the top. "No."

"Come on," he smiles.

"We can't."

"Why not?"

"It's improper. It's rude."

"It's a party."

"It's not a frat party."

"A party is a party."

"I don't even know if we're supposed to be up here. Nobody else seems to be upstairs, and the hallways are unlit."

"Because it's Halloween," Link argues. "It's supposed to be spooky."

He reaches for one of the doors in the hallway but I pull him back.

"We really can't, Link. My father is close to this family. I don't want to embarrass him by getting caught snooping around."

"Then let's not get caught," he winks at me.

Confused, I step closer, analyzing his facial features. Below his masquerade, I see a twinkle of excitement playing in his bright blue eyes.

"Link?" I question.




"I could've sworn you switched bodies with Impa for a moment," I say and he chuckles.

"No, Impa would be much better at convincing you." Link takes my hand and proceeds down the hall with me. "Let's make a deal. We'll check if the doors are locked. If they are, then clearly the owners don't want us in their rooms. But if they're not locked, then I guess it's fine if we explore a little..."

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