Tennis Ball

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Link's POV

I go to the pool house to get the rackets and a couple of tennis balls. It's almost dark out but the air is still warm and the breeze is refreshing.

I head back to the court. Zelda and Malice are waiting in silence. Luckily the tennis court is lit by four bright headlights, so it doesn't matter that it's going to be nighttime soon.

"Here you go," I say as I hand each of them their own racket. "You guys can team up to make it fair."

"Before we start, you should explain the rules to Malice," Zelda says.

"Oh, right." I turn to her. "Have you ever played tennis before?"

Malice shakes her head. She looks as if she's fighting nausea, holding the racket like a weapon in her grip, like a sword she needs to defend herself with.

"Okay Malice, let's start with the basics." I step next to her to show her how to hold the racket. "Are you right or left handed?"


"Sick, me too," I say and gently adjust her grip. She doesn't flinch anymore when I touch her. She used to be so defensive every time my hands would come near her, but now she lets me do whatever without a second thought. "Like this. Firm but not too tight. You want to have control, but also allow for flexibility in your wrist."

Malice nods, trying to mimic my movements when I show her how to hit the ball. She seems nervous, but I think my calm demeanor is reassuring her somewhat.

"Like this?" She swings the racket clumsy and uncoordinated. The ball rolls across the court. "Shit."

"Not bad for your first time," I lie. "Let's try again."

I position myself next to her again to demonstrate the proper stance. She manages to hit the ball this time but it goes flying out of the court and into the tall hedges.

"You're getting the hang of it. Just try hitting it a little softer."

Malice's eyes keep leaving the court. Maybe she's just not focused enough. Her stance is fine and her accuracy isn't bad either. But every so often she looks around like she's expecting someone to show up.

Zelda is on the other side of the court, collecting the balls we hit over. Meanwhile, Malice grows increasingly impatient, cursing to herself every time a ball hits the net or leaves the court. Been there, done that.

"It's okay," I assure her. "This is how everyone starts off."

"This is stupid," she mumbles, missing another ball. "And pointless."

"It's fun, just keep practicing."

Her eyes look around again, scanning the bushes for the 50th time. She looks so on edge. No wonder she's missing all her balls, she's way too stiff and skittish to find her rhythm.

"You gotta loosen up," I tell her. "Nobody's gonna hurt you."

"You don't know that."

"Who are you expecting to show up? Ganon's in prison and Karusa has a broken leg."

She just rolls her eyes annoyed and huffs. "You don't understand."

"I do."

"No, you fucking don't."

"You're scared of Ganondorf," I say and watch her reaction. "See? I understand."

"You don't know what he's capable of."

"Whatever it is, you're safe here with us, okay? We will protect you."

As soon as I say those words, her eyes are suddenly focused on me and me only. Great, I got her attention. Maybe now she'll be able to hit the ball. I catch one of the balls that Zelda is passing back to us and hand it to Malice who is still staring at me in amazement.

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